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Tony was asleep and so was Bucky, but obviously having nightmares in his case. Tony was prepared for this like usual, so he made some coffee before proceeding to wake Bucky up, the same soft tone of voice and gentle touches that he always used to wake him.

Tony handed him the coffee, "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah.. Thanks.." he said as he took it.
"Okay," Tony smiled sadly.
Bucky grimaced, which was the best he could do at this point and he sipped the coffee. Tony was also sipping coffee.

Obviously, Bucky didn't want to go back to sleep and Tony would stay up with him. Eventually, they ended up turning on a comedy and Bucky curled up next to Tony, who was gently running his fingers through his hair. Bucky smiled the most dorky smile on the inside, he hoped he was giving off the vibes of smiling, even if his face was void of emotion.

Tony knew, it made him smile too. He always knew how Bucky was feeling inside, even if the outside wasn't a reflection of that.
"Thank you...." Bucky said, almost in a whisper.
"No problem."
Bucky wrapped Tony in a hug, which he gladly accepted and hugged him back. Bucky eventually fell asleep in Tony's arms. Tony continued to run his fingers through his hair, still hugging him with his other arm. Eventually he fell asleep himself. Bucky didn't have nightmares that time- he was too tired.

Tony woke up some time around noon, Bucky still sleeping with the both of them still wrapped up in each other's arms. Tony ran his fingers through Bucky's hair once again, his face twitched in his sleep, seemingly on the verge of s smile, but he didn't wake up. Tony was perfectly content, making no other movements so he didn't wake Bucky by accident.

Bucky woke up a little while after that, Tony was still in the same position as before. "Good morning,"
"Mm.... morning.."
Tony smiled softly at him.

Bucky didn't even care that he had only known Tony for about a week, them being together just felt... right. Although, he didn't want to push it. Tony obviously didn't care how far it went, he had already been with Bucky for ages and already felt that way. But he wouldn't push Bucky, he would let him decide how far things go.

Bucky just buried his face in Tony's shoulder and they stayed like that for a while longer. Tony soon stopped running his fingers through Bucky's hair and started braiding it instead and Bucky let him.
"It looks beautiful, thank you." Bucky said jokingly when Tony finished it. He smiled and Bucky also smiled, on the inside at least.

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