Steve is so aNnOyInG oMg

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(Still haven't learned how to title! :D)

Bucky was out with Steve, who was talking to him as though he had all his memories, saying things along the lines of 'do you remember...' and 'that was fun wasn't it?' And needless to say, that made Bucky uncomfortable. He had no idea what Steve was talking about.
"Y-yeah! Good times!" He laughed nervously. Steve smiled and Bucky gave him a desperate look that was just like 'I have no idea what you're talking about so I'm just agreeing to make you happy' sort of thing.

But Steve, being the idiot with a dinner-plate-sized shield he was, couldn't tell what that look meant. Bucky sighed and kept agreeing as Steve continued to ramble about the memories Bucky didn't have. Finally, much to Bucky's relief, Steve went home.


Bucky fwumped onto the couch, his face in a pillow. "Ohh mahh gauuddd!"
"Are you alright?"
"Hah nope!"
"What happened?"
"Steve pretending I have all my memories."
"Oh yeah that..."
"What's up with that anyway?
"I think he's trying to get you to remember? Not sure."
"Hmm maybe..."

Tony was eating shawarma and Bucky grabbed a plum of the counter.

(Sorry this one was short lol)

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