Chapter 14

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~Lyrica's POV

Today, November 18th, 2040, is the day that I've officially pissed off two of the most rational people within this mansion. But to be fair, its Domenico's fault! I told him that he'll eat like a rabbit so he decided to retaliate.

He thought I was lying so, me being me, just had to prove him wrong. So for his breakfast he ate Potato and Leek Galette with Watercress, for his lunch is Cilantro Lime Cauliflower Rice, his snacks were oven roasted celery fries and cucumber dill bites, and for his dinner is broccoli soup. Plus, I don't let him enjoy himself. No sex for him with the shit he pulls on me.

Oh! Don't think he didn't have his revenge, because he did. He forced me to wake up early by pouring water on me, makes sure that anything I use like for example; my bed or my shower, will be deducted from my check, and makes a mess no matter where he goes. So to say that we're not on good terms currently is the truth.

Now, we're in the living room with Rosemarie and Clara hearing both of them scolding us. Yet, it's going in one ear and out the other and I can say the same for Domenico.

"Okay, I understand that we've been actin' a bit childish for the last couple of days. But I would like to say that I'm sorry for makin' it seem like there were a demon in the house.", I apologize.

"Why should you apologize for what you are? You're nothing more than an imp that can't control her temper. Nothing more, nothing less.", Domenico sneers.

"Listen here, rich boy! Just because I have a problem with my temper, doesn't make me imp."

"Whatever floats your boat. Surely, I can use this phase in this situation. Right, Miss Imp?"

"You know what ya dirty bastard, I had it with you!", I shouted as I threw a pillow at him.

Unfortunately, he caught it and glowers, "Is this the best you can do?"

I felt my temp flare up as I ball my fist. I stood up and started yelling, "You always have to think you're better than everyone here don'tcha! Everyone in this house has to serve a wealthy man who ain't shit for chump change. No matter how many bitches you bring here, they will not make you feel better about your-"

"Finish that sentence and I swear to God I won't be the only one mother-less.", Domenico barks.

"Is that a fuckin' threat?"

"No mio cara piccolo hacker, it's a deadly promise. I'll even let you see that promise be fulfilled."
(my dear little hacker)

I was two seconds away from lunging at him before Rosemarie stood in front of me and Clara stood in front of Domenico.

"I heard enough out of you both!", Rosemarie wails.

I look at Clara and saw pure fear in her eyes. Likewise, Rosemarie was slightly trembling but she still try to block me from Domenico. Domenico's aura never changed, it was just yellow-green as usual while Clara and Rosemarie's auras are completely black. No amount of aura reading can change me from realizing the truth. I'm may not be scary to Domenico but I am to the rest to the servants. And I don't want that, I always hate that feeling of being looked at like a monster.

They glance from me to Domenico and finally at each other. I sat back down, "I'm sorry."

Domenico sat down as well.

"Alright, I suppose you two would be fine at the pier.", Rosemarie speak softly.

"What pier?", I questioned.

"Shit.", I heard Domenico swore quietly.

"Didn't Domenico inform you? He promised Elenora that he'll bring you with him. She really miss you, unless Domenico wants to disappoint her due to this debacle.", Clara answer as she glares at Domenico.

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