Chapter 17

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WARNING: Mentions of Sexual Acts

Dedications and Love to the MVPS:

-Lyrica's POV

"Are you sure about this Rikki?", Clara asked as I helped her pack.

Everyone was leaving for the holidays since Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I was suppose to go but the charity ball is this weekend which is the length of two day. Did I say length? I meant literally! Saturday is the night ball where everyone dress fancy and flaunt their wealth by giving away money to random charities.

Sunday is a mid afternoon get together where all the business leaders socialize and rekindle connections. And the sad part, half of the people going don't care about those charities. But it is what it is. I might be able to go home since the next time we work will be during the first week of December.

"Yes ma'am.", I grinned. "You and Miss Rosemarie go and spend time with y'all families."


"We'll be good.", I promised.

She exhales and zip up her luggage while I grabbed the remainder of her bags and took the elevator. Getting out, I turn the corner and saw Miss Rosemarie and Domenico talking by the front door. Her suitcases standing by Domenico's legs.

"We wouldn't be at each other throats, Nana Rosey.", Domenico vows.

Rosemarie smiles. Her grin getting bigger when she saw me. Goodness I'm gonna miss them once they retire.

"All pack Miss Rosemarie?", I asked.

She nods, "Yes. Thank you for letting me borrow your bracelet."

She lifts her right wrist to show me that she still wearing my blood-stone bracelet. She scared me when she collapse this morning, nearly had a heart attack. Clara explained to me that Rosemarie has anemia and sometimes she forgets to take her medicine. So I gave her one of my heliotrope bracelets. These gemstones helps with blood pressure and settle any negative energy within your body. I can only assume it'll help with her condition.

"No problem. Just remember to clean it every night."

"I will.", she assures me as Munro hooks the horn.

"It seems like our ride is here.", I heard Clara say as she walks to Domenico.

He picks up most of their bags while I held up the door for them, "Have fun on y'all trip!"

The women waved as they got inside the car. Domenico put the last luggage in the truck and signal Munro to drive off and that's what he did. Now it's only Domenico and me, well me soon enough; he has to go to work in a little bit. Speaking about working, I didn't make his breakfast. Clara made eggs and chickpea for Rosemarie. So I started cleaning the rooms upstairs. Damn, I should've picked out his clothes after I gave Rosemarie the bracelet and before I begin to clean. Oh well, he ain't mad about it.

"What do you want for breakfast?", I ask once we went inside.

By the looks of it, he was going to head into the gym. He pops his neck before saying, "Tu preferibile."
(You preferable.)

"What'dja say?"

"I said you preferable.", he admits.

I stood there and smiled, "I see that you do have good taste. Too bad, you ain't eatin' me."

"It was a joke. Whatever you cook, I'll eat, just call me.", he chuckles as he left the foyer. "Inoltre, fai attenzione a quello che dici. Non saprai mai cosa succederà in futuro."
(Also, be careful with what you say. You'll never know what happens in the future.)

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