A New Friend

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One morning, Thumbelina went out to water her garden, until she heard a noice. It was someone singing.
Thumbelina said," Who's that? Hello is anyone out here?"
The thing stopped singing. Thumbelina walked over to the bush. The thing popped out from behind. It was a bird.
The bird said," Hello."
Thumbelina jumped.
The bird said," Sorry oh my apologies. I didn't mean to scare you. I just get so lonely, no one to play with."
She said," Oh poor Mr. Bird."
Bird said," Please, call me Jacquimo."
She said," Will do."
Jacquimo said," What might your name be?"
She said," Oh my name is Thumbelina."
He said," Thumbelina, that's a pretty name."
She said," Thank you."
He said," You must love the fairy grounds."
She said," Yes, there's just one thing missing."
He said," What's that."
She faced her back to him.
He said," Oh, I see."
She said," Yeah who knows if I'll ever get any wings."
He said," Don't give up. By the way, have you ever flew before up in the sky?"
She looked down.
He said," Hop on."
She said," What?"
He said," C'mon we'll go see anywhere you've been wanting to see."
She said," You would do that."
He said," Of course. I could use a friend honestly."
She said," Alright."
She hoped on his back.
He said," Ok, now let's go have some fun."
She said," Wait, your not gonna go super... Whoa!!!"
He started flying super fast. He slowed down a little so Thumbelina could enjoy the view.
She said," Whoa."
He said," Yeah, in the springtime it is beautiful huh?"
She said," Yes. It feels so good to see the sky."
He said," Let me show you someplace I always like to go."
He flew by a building and landed in it.
She said," Is this the Eiffel Tower?"
He said," Yes."
She said," How cool is this! I love the view from up here."
He said," I knew you would."
Jacquimo would come by everyday to play and have some fun with Thumbelina. Thumbelina always enjoyed the company.

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