The Truth

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After all the fun, Cornelius had to bring Thumbelina back to her house. Cornelius picked up Thumbelina.
He said," Oh Thumbelina. Oh wow."
He spun around with her a few times, then he put her down.
He said," I don't know but it's like something incredible happened to me tonight with you. It's like something I never want to forget."
She said," Me too. Cornelius don't ever forget me."
She put her necklace around his neck.
He said," Oh never."
He took his ring off and put it on her finger.
He said," I'll never forget you never."
She said," Never, never."
He heard someone calling his name.
He said," Oh Mother. Wait Mother, hurry Thumbelina get inside before they find me."
She said," You? Who is that?"
He said," There's not a lot of time for me to explain, but that's the queen of the fairies my mother."
She said," Your mother? Wait then then you are the the...No."
He said," Yes, Thumbelina it's me. I'm the prince. Look will you please come tomorrow night? I would like for you to be there. Please?"
She smiled.
She said," Yes, I'll come."
She hugged him.
She said," I will prince Cornelius."
He said," Great. Oh shoot. Uh goodbye."
She ran outside really quickly.
She said," Wait! Will your parents even like me?"
He said," Of course, they will who wouldn't."
She smiled.
He said," I'll see you tomorrow night."
She said," Will do."
He flew away with Buzzbee back to the castle.
Thumbelina said," Oh Cornelius. Oh he's so handsome. I promise I'll come tomorrow night."

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