The Fairy Prince

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While Thumbelina was dancing and singing in her room, on the other side of the fairy land lived the palace with the fairy Queen and King and their son prince Cornelius. Prince Cornelius was in his room getting ready. His father went to go see him.
He said," Good Morning son."
Cornelius said," Hi Father."
He said," You know your time to become king is coming right."
Cornelius said," I know father."
He sighed. He walked over to the balcony. His father walked over to him.
He said," What's wrong son?"
Cornelius said," It's just no girl I found is perfect for me yet. Every maiden in the land only wants me because of my crown so far. Ugh. I just want someone that cares and loves me for me not my crown."
He said," I'm sure you will. I'm sure that she's out there maybe she'll be at the ball."
Cornelius said," Maybe but what if she's not. I'm just worried. I think I'm gonna go for a ride on my bumble for awhile."
He said," You sure son."
Cornelius said," Yeah just need some fresh air. I'll be back soon."
He said," Ok. Don't be gone to long though."
Cornelius said," I won't dad. I'll be back soon."
He said," Ok."
Cornelius flew to go see his bumble.
He said," Hi Buzzbee, boy how are you?"
Buzzbee buzzed.
He said," You wanna go for a quick ride."
Buzzbee buzzed again.
He said," Ok let's go."
He went on a ride with his bumble for a while.

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