Happily Ever After

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A few weeks passed, Thumbelina and Cornelius have never been apart since then. The big day finally arrived. Thumbelina had her beautiful wedding dress on that her friend Pixie made for her. The dress was white with pink sparkles all around it. Cornelius was in his room. Jacquimo flew to him.
He said," It is time!"
Cornelius said," Already? Ok be there in a minute."
He said," Ok I wouldn't miss it."
Cornelius flew to Buzzbee.
He said," It's time boy."
He flew to the arch waiting for Thumbelina to come. Thumbelina looked at her window.
She said," Is it time yet?"
The Pixie said," You'll know when."
The trumpets outside the castle started playing.
She said," Oh."
The Pixie said," Time."
Thumbelina flew outside. She flew down the aisle.
The Priest said," Do you both take eachother as husband and wife, if so say I do?"
Cornelius said," Always."
Thumbelina said," Aww."
He kissed her. They waved bye to everyone. Cornelius whistled for Buzzbee. Buzzbee flew to Thumbelina and Cornelius. Thumbelina and Cornelius hopped on. They flew off to go live happily ever after. They kissed again.
The Narrator said," They lived Happily Ever After."
The End

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