The Ball

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The evening for the ball finally arrived. Everyone was dancing on the dance floor. The prince had a long line for people that wanted to dance with him. His parents were just sitting watching everyone.
The King said," Honey, I wonder where that girl is at."
The queen looked at him.
She said," Oh you mean the one that our son likes."
He said," Yeah."
She said," Oh maybe she's running late or it's still early sweetie."
He said," Oh, I hope she comes."
She said," Same."
Thumbelina just hopped out of her carriage. She looked at the castle.
She said," Oh, it's beautiful. I can't believe he's the prince. Ok here we go."
She walked into the castle. She thought the walls were beautiful. She opened the door that lead to the ballroom. Cornelius was standing by his parents for a quick break from dancing.
His father said," Son, are you having fun? Why haven't you seemed like you were having fun?"
His mother said," Ahem. Dear, I think I know why."
Cornelius said," That is correct mother."
His father," At least try to meet a few other girls that came to see you. Give them a chance."
Cornelius just sighed. He looked up at the staircase.
His mother said," Your father's right darling because what if. Darling?"
Cornelius didn't answer. His parents looked to see who he was staring at.
His father said," Who is she? Have you seen her before?"
His mother said," No dear. But she is beautiful."
His father said," Yes, uh son?"
Cornelius walked to the middle of dance floor. Thumbelina meet him there.
He said," You came."
She said," Yeah. I guess so."
He said," I'm so glad your here. I've been waiting for you."
She smiled.
She said," That's sweet of you. I'm glad I came to see you too."
He said," May I have this dance?"
She smiled.
She said," Of course prince Cornelius."
They slow danced together for a while with beautiful music playing in the background. They flew a few times while slow dancing together. When they were done.
Cornelius said," Come with me."
Thumbelina smiled. They left the ballroom together.

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