Saving Thumbelina

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Jacquimo flew to the castle. He saw Thumbelina. He was about ready to knock on the window until something happened. Thumbelina walked over to her mirror doing her makeup. The reflection in the mirror showed the evil fairy. Jacquimo started freaking out.
He said," If that's the the the then that means. Oh no. Thumbelina!!!"
He flew to go find were the real Thumbelina. Thumbelina was so close to drowning. She heard someone calling her name.
She said," Jacquimo!!! Is that you? Come help me please."
He saw Thumbelina.
He said," Oh No. I'm coming."
He flew to the ocean and grabbed her. She hopped on his back. He flew her to dry land.
He said," Oh thank goodness your alright."
She said," Jacquimo we have to go to the palace quick. The evil fairy is gonna make Cornelius think I don't love him."
Jacquimo said," Do you know he's marry her?"
She said," What?"
He said," Yeah, and she's going disguised as you. Once they kiss he will only see her as the evil fairy and not you."
She said," Oh no. We have to go now. I can't make him forget me."
Jacquimo flew to the palace as fast as he could.

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