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February 23rd 2018;

Pulling up into her Aunts driveway, Bella grabbed her bag from the back saying goodbye to her grandmother as she jumped out of the car. The teen always loved staying with her Auntie Kourtney, the two of them having such a special bond ever since she was born. Bella loved all of her aunties and Rob more than anything, she just trusts Kourtney a bit more than the others as she can be more open minded about situations and she's a lot easier to talk to.

Walking up to the marble double doors the teen opened it knowing that it would've been left unlocked as Kourtney and the kids waited for Bella to arrive. The house was very quiet compared to usual, so walking slowly through the hall way, the teen searched the rooms, finally finding them all in the TV room watching the lion king. As she hadn't been noticed just yet Bella thought it would be fun to give them a little fright. Taking her phone out and finding the Snapchat app, she pressed record walking up behind the sofa quietly...

"HELLO!" She shouted, bursting into laughter as she watched Kourtney jump the furthest out of all of the kids, Mason and Penelope laughing along with Bella now as Reign just sat, eyes still fixed on the telly.
"Bella! You little bitch! You gave me a heart attack!" Bella grinned, uploading the video to her Snapchat story after saving it. She sat on the sofa herself now, P making her way straight to her cousins lap, giving her a hug. "Sorry Kourt, but you're just too easy. Thanks for letting me stay tonight, by the way." She had whispered out the last bit as she felt embarrassed that at the age of sixteen she couldn't bare to be alone in the house due to her anxiety and the thought of being alone. Kourtney smiled, worried about the teen just as much as everyone else, she hated seeing her usually bubbly niece so down and scared to talk to everyone. She never used to be shy not get embarrassed but everything has changed, hopefully she will be able to get the to bottom of it tonight.

"Always. You know you're always welcome here. We will watch the rest of the film and I will sort out the kids then me and you can have a catch up? Sound good." Bella nodded, getting comfortable with Penelope on her lap, she kissed the top of her cousins head before her eyes gazed over to the tv.

February 23rd 2018; [Kourtneys POV];

"Goodnight Mase." I spoke to my eldest son, him being the last to settle for bed. He was watching youtube on his iPad by the looks of things so I just the door, walking down the hall. Before heading back downstairs I decided to check on the two younger ones, the both of them being fast asleep already. lovely. Leaving their doors open ever so slightly I headed back down stairs. I stopped by the kitchen grabbing two bottles of water and a large bag of popcorn before making my way back to the TV room where my eldest niece was sat. She'd got into her pjs, taken off her make up and was sat cuddled under a blanket in her favourite seat on my couch, the corner.

Khloé had asked me to have Bella this evening not just because of this new formed anxiety she gets when being alone by herself, but she knows that Bella will open up to me about things that she wouldn't always with Khloé. Not for the reason of her not trusting her mother but the reason that Khloé can be so overprotective of Bella and over exaggerates with her a lot, only because she worries but sometimes I think she finds it too much. I love that she can come to me though because I would hate for her to keep it all in with no one to tell. Everyone has been worried about her recently, she isn't as happy as she used to be, as chatty or as social. She is very closed off, but if she is having w good time it's like something switches and she shuts down going back into this newly formed shell she's made for herself and it's heartbreaking to see. So I told Khlo I would try and get to the bottom of it.

Khloé Kardashians DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon