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Kai wasn't in the best of moods. He'd been ready to make his move on the luscious Ms. Kim when Rosè had stuck her unwanted limey nose into the room and taken her away, and now he was feeling restless, bad-tempered and ready to take it out on someone. Preferably Ms. Kim.
It would be no problem-the rooms were soundproofed, and even if she made a lot of noise no one would interfere. They'd either assume she was an enthusiastically noisy fuck, or that something was going on they didn't want to know about. Either way, no one would interfere.

He had better equipment in his massive stateroom, though, and he didn't like having to compromise. He firmly believed in indulging his whims whenever he could, and being refused even the tiniest little treat made him very cross indeed.
He was going to explain a few things to Rosé Park. She'd been an excellent servant for the four short months she'd been working for him, but then, she'd come with impeccable references. The kind of people he'd work for in the past required someone with the utmost discretion, the ability to look the other way and the willingness to do whatever was asked of him, with no arguments or questions.

Roseanne had proved remarkably efficient, and it hadn't been his fault that the young girl last year had run away before he'd finished with her. He could blame that on one of the men who'd caught her in the first place, and he'd taken care of him in a fitting manner.
No, this was only a minor transgression, and once he gave Rosé a sharp reprimand he could go below and enjoy the undeniably luscious Ms. Kim. Hell, he might even turn to fat women if he liked her curves well enough. There were some interesting variations on force feeding...

He heard a noise, and he looked up. The engines were running again, making an odd noise, and Kai had a sudden, unpleasant premonition. His horoscope said today had a potential for disaster, but whenever he didn't like his forecast he skipped to hid rising sign for something more pleasant.
He rose, wandering over to the window to look out at the shoreline, when he realize the goddam ship was moving. He let out a scream of rage, slammed open the door and headed out on the deck, only to run smack into Rosé Park.
"You bitch-" Kai managed to say, before blinding pain exploded in his head. And as he sank into darkness his body climaxed in pure, murderous rage.


The boat was moving. It wasn't Jennie's paranoid imagination, it wasn't a remnant from her nightmare. The fucking boat was moving.

She scrambled out of bed. She was still wearing the silk slip of a dress she'd worn last night, with her bra and pantyhose in place, if a bit rumpled. She hadn't been that out of it, had she? She'd had a little too much to drink on top of a three pill day, but still, she shouldn't be having blackouts.

She sank down on the floor beside the platform bed, dropping her head in her hand. She couldn't remember anything, not since she left Kai's side and headed for her room. She'd left with the gray ghost, hadn't she? But she couldn't remember the walk to her cabin, whether she'd turned down her bed or kissed her goodnight.
Holy shit. She'd been facetious, trying to reconstruct her last conscious moments, but the memory, no longer elusive, came flooding back. The freaking grey ghost kissed her.

At least, she thought she had. Or maybe it was just part of her dreams, an earlier, less nightmarish part. Though if it involved kissing someone like Rosé then she'd almost preferred the nightmares. She'd learned how to fight back with them.

She rose on unsteady feet. At least she hadn't slept in her shoes. She walked in what she hoped was the direction of the window, feeling her way, and when she reached the heavy curtains she tugged, trying to open them.
They stayed put, obviously on some kind of heavy duty curtain rod, but she could push the fabric out of the way enough to have her worst fears confirmed. It was midday, when she should have already landed in Costa Rica, and they were out at sea.

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