Birthday Party

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Frieza senses Goku and chases where it leads him. He doesn't bother with the short glances of humans, but one is trying to sell him something.
"Excuse me sir, but would you like to buy this stylish hat for 580 zeni?"
Frieza looks at the man and hat, snarling. "I DON'T NEED YOUR STUPID HAT!" His anger created a small spark of energy, but it wasn't enough for anyone to sense it.
That was lucky.. if they sensed me, my plan would've backfired for sure!
The man backs up, a little scared. Frieza continues running, feeling Goku's energy jolt somewhere else, which was much closer. "Did he use instant transmission..? And that energy he's with... perfect."

You know the drill...

"Hey Vegeta!" Goku appears in front of Vegeta, who is for some reason wearing pretty much Goku's training gi.
"Gah! Kakarot, what are doing here?!" Goku snickers at what Vegeta is wearing.
"Why are you wearing my gi?" Vegeta grunts "None of your damn business..." Vegeta moves his head away from Goku.
"Aw c'mon Vegeta! Did Bulma make you wear that?"
"Urgh... Bulma asked me to dress up as a clown for my daughter for some reason..."
Goku frowns "Krillin isn't a clown!" Vegeta has had enough of his CLUELESSNESS.
Goku smiles and laughs "You're such a jokester, Vegeta! Anyway, wanna go train?"
Vegeta just walks away, not saying anything.
"Hey, c'mon! It's not like you to pass up training!" Goku frowns, but then gasps "KRILLINS BIRTHDAY!" He instant transmissions to Krillin, who has already started the party.

I swear this isn't Vegeta x Goku...

"Wow, look who finally showed up."
Goku laughs, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry bout that, Chi-Chi was killing my ears..."
"It's fine, I get it.. I'm just glad you showed. Enjoy the party and of course, the food!"
Goku smiles, running to the buffet table.

Frieza notices Goku's energy move closer again.  He runs swiftly near the energy, ending up at a house with many energies inside, one of them Goku's.
"Time to make a scene."

What Is This Feeling..? (Frieza x Goku)Where stories live. Discover now