Interview With ESHurricane

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Username: ESHurricane

Prize: First Place

Interviewer: Madhu

Madhu: Hi Emily! A hearty congratulations on standing first in's 'Wattpad's Got Talent' and thank you for agreeing to do the interview. Our followers and your fans would love to know more about who you are behind the screen.

Emily: Thank you! And no problem. :) Behind the screen, eh? Well, I'm a Canadian mom of a 3yo girl and a toy poodle. I daylight as a work-at-home-mom freelance writing and editing, and moonlight as an author of lewd tales we can't talk about in polite conversation.

When I have free time (haha) I love baking, crochet and reading, sometimes all three at the same time. I've been known to sink hours into video games as well, although that's harder to find time for.

I'm a lover of chocolate and a rabid coffee snob, though I promise I'll be nice about recommending good single origin beans. :) Gotta keep warm in the snowpocalypse!

Madhu: How you manage everything that you do with a kid is beyond me. Recent experience proved to me that figuring them out is tougher than rocket science.
I'll wait with bated breath till the interview is over for our lewd conversation over a hot chocolate.
Can you tell us more about what made you choose the song you sang for the WGT?

Emily: Haha lewdness and hot chocolate sounds like a plan! (Tougher than rocket science is spot on, btw!)

So I'm not going to lie, Lightning Crashes was not my first choice. I was dead set on Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. It's one that I've always really enjoyed singing, and can actually play half-decent on the guitar. But my mom's very favourite song that I sing is Lightning Crashes, and she asked me to do it. And, well, I can't say no to my mom, right? XD

I do really love the song, though. It's one of those songs that when it comes on the radio I can't resist cranking it and singing at the top of my lungs. The reason why it wasn't my first choice was because I'm pants at playing it, so I had to get a friend to do the guitar for me. But my dad pointed out that then I could just focus on singing, and I guess he was right. It's definitely easier to do one or the other as opposed to both at the same time.

Madhu: For what it's worth, you have amazing vocal skills. And you play the guitar! All there's left is a band for you to become famous! Where do your musical roots stem from and what do you think would be your greatest success in this field?

Emily: Haha thank you. :) I play the guitar a bit, I know about five chords which is enough to be a backing track sometimes. All of my musical theory comes from the piano, which I played for about eight years when I was a kid. I haven't had one in the house for a loooong time but I find piano is like riding a bike. When I play guitar, it's almost like when you learn another language other than your native, I'm always translating from piano to guitar in my head, if that makes sense?

My musical roots definitely stem from my mom's side of the family. My dad plays electric guitar and sings, but he's more of a technical player, and it's taken him years and years of practice to get where he wanted to be. My mom's side of the family is the kind of musical where they can just pick up any instrument and figure out how to play it properly in about five minutes. XD I wish I'd inherited that talent!

I don't particularly have aspirations for success in music, it's always been more of a hobby for me. I was in a band in my early twenties and we did a lot of competitions and gigs, and while it was fun and high energy, it's a LOT of work. Especially living in rural areas, it was a lot of packing and traveling to different cities and then our jam space was rented in a city because we all lived in apartments... it was just a lot of work, money and energy that eventually just kind of fizzled out. Later I did some online streaming with my dad and that was an absolute blast. We could play gigs in our pyjamas for people all over the world. I think if I was going to get back into a paying music gig (or even just for fun) then I'd definitely go the online route.

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