9. The Good, The Bad, and The Uncomfortable

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It was a good day outside this afternoon, so Amelia decided to take us to the beach

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It was a good day outside this afternoon, so Amelia decided to take us to the beach.

I admired the waters, as I layed in my beach chair, and put on my sunglasses. The waves looked absolutely beautiful as I saw many people taking their surfboards and riding the waves.

"You know, you never asked me what happened with Owen," Amelia asked as she sat down next to me.

"I guess it wasn't my business."

"Well, he's a big, fat, stupid jerk."


"He propositioned me, Charlie."


"He said he wanted to do dirty, disgusting things to me. Me, your little sister."

"That's so terrible."

"Yeah, I know right, and like I told him I'm not that kind of girl."

"Did you really?"

She scoffed, "Well yes, then he tried to break all my fingers and poke out all my eyeballs. Then the cops came, and he shot them all, and they died."

I started to snicker.

"And then he said, he'll come to your house in your room in kill you while you're sleeping."

"Yeah, that sounds exactly like Owen," I laughed.

"Have you talked to him lately?"


"Well, he did say anything about me completely humiliating myself in front of him?"


"Well," Amelia sighed. "He's a big, ugly, stupid jerk, and you shouldn't be friends with him anymore."

"Okay, yeah right."

"I need someone to clean up what James ruined," said my boss, Mrs. Gray

"Do you mind me asking what happened?"

"Well he went to Taiwan, and now he's banging enough Taiwanese girls to qualify for the douchebag Olympics."

"That's unfortunate, um-"

"So, now I need someone to travel to Taiwan and finish there for a couple of months. And I want it to be the you, I mean this is more of your concept, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

"I mean, if we had you as project manager from the start, we would've saved a lot of money."

"Mrs. Gray," I interrupted. "I don't think I would have enjoyed being project manager, so."

"But you get an apartment, car, and obviously a raise. So, what's the issue?"

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