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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Ladies and gentleman, I present my first ever one-shot series which features my favorite OTP of Peter Parker (aka Spider-man) and Felicia Hardy (aka Black-Cat). I'm doing this series a little different where 1. this one-shot series will have many different universes from comics, movies, and games and 2. I'm inviting fans of Spidey/Blackcat paring to share their one shot chapters, meaning if you want your chapter to be a part of the series then send it to me, and I will post yours up and said who wrote the episode for I don't take credit for I give credit where is due. Also, I plan on doing my own actual Spider-man/Black-cat story from the beginning when they meet as their relationship go from there for I feel this couple hasn't got as much attention as it used to (yea I'm looking at you, Ms. Marvel). Lastly, be sure to check out the community that I made for the pairing on my profile if you like. So without further delay, let us start with the first chapter in the one-shot series.


In the Marvel universe, there are times when a hero finds love.

Some like the hero, Iron-man finds love with a nonhero in Pepper.

Some like Mister Fantastic finds love with another hero in Invisible Woman.

Every once in a while though, some heroes find love with the wrong person but its ability to convert that person to the side of good.

Which leads to the two main people in this series,

Spider-man (aka Peter Parker) and Black-cat (aka Felicia Hardy)

Peter Parker is your friendly neighborhood Spider-man, who has been called amazing, spectacular, ultimate, and many nicknames in his hero life. Peter, on the other hand, he is known as the shy nerd who works at the Daily Bugle.

Felicia Hardy is your sexy thief Black-cat who wanted to walk the footsteps of her father The Cat but eventually changes her ways to become a hero. As Felicia, she was confident as her alter-ego and was considered precious because of her mom's company.

Now you would think the difference between the two that they couldn't possibly work out as a team, especially a couple. Like the saying says opposites do attract and everyone has a good side, it just takes one particular person to help the other realize that.

When they first had met, it was pretty much cop chasing robber with the robber flirting with the police as she made her escapes. Over time the cops and robber game became hero and partner as Peter helped Felicia see the good in her and got her on the path of a hero where they became more than just partners.

Now, as we travel through the different universes fill with many moments, let's start with the beginning where the two had their first meet up that started their path together.

That's the intro, let me know how you feel about the upcoming series, and I want to do a shout out for Mjh Hunter for helping with the series, check his stuff out if you like Peter/Kitty stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

I saw Spider-man 2 last night, and I must say I was pretty impressed with it considering the negativity going into it. I give it a B for I feel that they needed more time with the action scenes. BTW Andrew and Emma are so great as a couple on-screen which made it kind of hard to write this chapter because of what happen... enough said.

Chapter 1: The meeting *No specify universe*

Spider-man P.O.V

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