Chapter Eleven

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 "Fawn like the clumsy baby dear that is terrified of everything," Arksel said with a condescending tone. No one has ever pointed out my middle name resembled that of a small, scared animal before. 

 "I guess so sir--I mean your highness," I felt like a rambling fool. I was so used to calling Certax sir when I worked for him, and Harmony insisted we called him by his name. Leillan still called him king and highness to annoy him. I heard Arksel give a breathy dismissal sound. 

"It is very fitting. Get off the ground Fawn we have work to do," His metal boots made a soft clicking sound as he turned away from me. I looked behind me to try to find Delaney; maybe her golden eyes would give me courage. Back in the transport, her eyes held so much strength. It was the only thing I was able to cling to when I felt like breaking down. Her strength became mine, could she spare me some courage once again? She was lost in the sea of maids and soldiers whose eyes were all locked onto me as if I was a creature on display. I felt like a deer in a trap. They all seemed to know what I was about to encounter before I did; it was a truly terrible feeling.

 Zydan walked over and offered me his hand. He, too, had marks on his skin but unlike Arksel; whose marks were like sharp black veins running throughout his body. Zydan's marks were like grey swirls that if you looked close enough, they seemed to move. He noticed I didn't take his hand, and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't bite missy. Now come on I would rather not have to chase after Prince Arksel," I slowly reached up and took his hand. He pulled me up to my feet, and we quickly caught up to Arksel. Who was not willing to wait for us. I wondered how he moved so fast; he wore a black form-fitted shirt with a pure silver-plated chest piece that wrapped around his shoulders and intertwined in the middle of his chest with the kingdom's symbol then it wrapped around his back. That mixed with his silver boots and crown. I would've believed he would be weighed down, yet one of his steps was two of mine.  

"You will not ask me questions about anything I tell you or anything you may witness. I am to be king tomorrow morning, and I have a kingdom to rule. You being curious will only slow me down from important manners," He seemed like an angry mutt. Barking loudly until he was heard. I wondered how deadly his bite would be if I were to be caught as a spy. 

"Arksel, did you not sleep well last night? Because you seem to be cranky mood. Does someone need a nap?" Zydan teased before turning to me. "He isn't always like this. I mean sometimes if you squint you can see something that resembles a smile,"

"Zydan I do not remember asking you to join Fawn and I nor do I have the faintest memory of asking your input," Arksel said, rounding his shoulders back. I guessed Zydan and Arksel were close since everyone else in the castle refused even to look Arksel in the eye as we passed them in the halls. No one else seemed to have the guts to be witty with the Prince. 

"My coronation is in the morning then you immediately have to prepare for the ball. I will send a dress to you along with a mask. It will be a masquerade after all," Arksel kept talking, but I blocked him out. Harmony mentioned there would be a ball, but I never guessed I would be attending. I didn't even know how to dance! I was the clumsiest person I knew; if there were a way to trip standing up, I would've done it. 

"Excuse me," I spoke up for the first time since we left the throne room. "Will I be attending this ball?" 

"No, I give ballgowns to all my maids to wear as they frolic around my castle," he said with dry, bored sarcasm. He began to pick the pace, his long legs moving in quick strides. I felt sweat started to form from me trying to keep up with him. I guess I was more out of shape than I thought. Arksel began to whisper to Zydan, so I take this time to look at my surroundings. I had to know this castle inside and out if I was to rescue Quillian. The walls were a deep blue color with grey almost dying vines crawled up them. I looked down at dark colored marble floors to see they were growing out of the floor as if by pure magic, which didn't surprise me at this point. I saw a girl turn into a horse outside the castle before we got here so this was much less of a shock. We reached the end of a dark hallway that seemed to have a million doors spread down it. 

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