Chapter 13- H

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Anger, that was the emotion that was evident as a curly haired adolescent was placed into the waiting room seat. The familiar pale blue walls were enough to make him go crazy. His fingers twitched and his jaw was clenched, as he stared up at his mother. She was familiar in looks, with the same wide, innocent green eyes, and dark chocolate brown hair. She crouched between him, stroking his curls, in an attempt to calm him down. Harry hated this place, the last thing he ever wanted to go to. Anne didn’t even tell Harry she was taking him to the psychologists, it was just a surprise trip.

“Honey, it’s okay. You’re just going to talk to some doctors and they can help you?”

“Help me with what? Do you think I’m a monster mum?” He gritted his teeth

“I don’t think you’re a monster love. I think you just need some help, being guided in the right direction,”

“I am fucking 16 years old. I do not need some stupid asshole with a medical degree telling me what to do, or how to feel?”

“Please don’t swear at me,”

Harry watched as his mother’s eyes fill with sadness. A look that he’d get used to over the years to come. The clock that hung on the wall above him broke the silence as it ticked. His hands were clenched into tight balls and his knuckles were white. His mother continued to slowly and calmly stroke Harry’s curls that bounced with each touch. If Harry wasn’t in a public room, he’d probably push his mother off. He stared at the walls, blocking out his mother speaking calmly. However, he snapped back to reality when he heard his girlfriend’s name being mentioned.

“What’d you just say?”

“I said, If you don’t feel comfortable being here by yourself, I can call Jade. She can come with you, I’m sure she will understand,”

“Jade doesn’t get included in these situations, I don’t want her being included into this fucked up part of my life. I want her to be separate. I want her to think I’m at least normal. I shouldn’t even be here. You’re the idiot that booked the appointment,”

“Harry, I think it’s probably best for you if she does come along, and just…just try and get some help. It’ll make things easier and make us all happier,”

“Easier for who? You? And it’ll make you happier knowing your son is seeing a doctor about a non-existent issue? Do you care about my happiness, or are you going to send me here for the rest of my life, just so you can feel good about yourself. You’re disgusting,”

Anne physically cringes as Harry spits every single word out, glaring at her. She slowly moves away from Harry, and bites down on her tongue, trying not to cry. She promised herself that she wouldn’t cry in front of Harry. He needed help, and if she showed weakness, it’d just make things harder. Harry pulls out his headphones and plugs them in, and starts to play his music. It’s loud and blocks out every other noise in the room, just like he had aimed to do. While Harry is closing his eyes and completely oblivious to noise, Anne quickly pulls out her phone and doesn’t hesitate to call Jade. Jade is too willing to come and help Harry out, and Anne knows that in a horrible enough way, she doesn’t deserve Harry. She deserves a real shot at life. The phone call ends as fast as it starts and Harry is still oblivious. The music doesn’t really help him out though, he can still feel the anger that is coursing throughout his body. He is so fucking angry at his mum for not even telling him. He can’t control the images of him beating his mother to a pulp that flash through his mind. His fingers begin to twitch, and behind his closed lids, he can see the faint outline of an almost red. It’s getting uncontrollable. The best thing to do is probably just go outside, for a breather. He opens his eyes and realises his mum is sitting in a seat a few meters away. He gets up, and walks towards her.

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