She'll disappoint you

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"I really love this weather!" Rio sighed contently as she stretched. "Now it's actually stopped raining."

The sun bathed them with its warmth as they walked down the street.

Mitsuko smiled faintly as she watched her. "Yeah, I definitely don't miss winter." She adjusted her school back, hesitating. "I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie this Saturday?"

Rio's eyes widened slightly, stopping. "Wait, you actually want to go see a movie with me?"

Mitsuko flushed. "Well, yeah, what's weird about that?"

The fake-blonde raised an eyebrow. "Last time I tried to invite you to a movie you looked like I'd asked you to strip."

Mitsuko nearly choked, going bright red. "No, I didn't!!"

Rio smirked. "I have a pretty good memory." She started to walk down the street. "Besides, what do you even want to go see?"

"Well..." Mitsuko tried to compose herself. "I was thinking maybe...Paradise Kiss?"

"A sappy romance movie?" Rio's brow furrowed. "Since when have you been into those?"

"Ritsu's been introducing me to a few," Mitsuko replied dismissively.

Rio looked puzzled for a moment but the expression quickly went. "Right." She eyed her curiously. "So what time is this movie anyway?"

Mitsuko's face broke out into a smile. "Wait, you actually want to go?"

"Well, I am curious about just what kind of movies Ritsu got you hooked on," Rio remarked.

She blushed a little despite her best efforts. "Well, it's cheesy, but I think you'll enjoy it."

"Hm, right." Rio rolled her eyes but still smiled. "Well, I do wanna see how bad your taste is."

Mitsuko smiled cheekily. "Then I guess it's a date."

The confused look on Rio's face made her freeze. "Yeah."


Fuck, why did I say that!?!

Mitsuko's insides recoiled. "But I'm not holding your hand or paying for your ticket." She forced a smile. "So unless you plan on dying alone, you better get a boyfriend soon."

Rio snorted. "You sound like my grandma!"

Mitsuko forced a laugh that hurt her throat. "Hey, if you want to live with fifty cats, I won't judge."

The fake-blond rolled her eyes and walked ahead. "If one of us is becoming the crazy cat lady, it's you."


Going to the movies together sounded simple on paper. Really, being in a dark movie theatre with the main focus on a widescreen, it was great!


Mitsuko's resisted the strong urge to bite her nails as she stared at the five different outfits on the bed.

None of them are right!

Her stomach twisted unpleasantly and there was a sickly taste in her mouth again.

Just get a grip.

She let out a deep breath and tried to calm down. It was ridiculous. It was just a trip to the movies—it wasn't even an official date!

Mitsuko forced herself to pick an outfit, going for a casual dress with blue stripes, and then picked up a blue blazer.

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