I Cant Believe I was Picked - Part 1

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I Cant Believe I was Picked

I was always a fan of the Derp Crew I would always wake up and watch them before anyone else and then came the day when my best friend Brandon told me about the "Derp Crew Competition" 

I checked out Chilled's video as quick as I could as my friend really didn't give me any details, but why would he? I soon found out that they were looking for a female to join the Derp Crew as they had started to be called sexist and wanted to change this, not like one girl would do that but i guess it would help. Must have a computer with recording gear, a WII-U plus either PS4 or XBOX1, I owned the PS4 but not really the WII-U part but I could buy one if I had to. Get paid to game and "work" I laughed at the work but as most people would know when appealing there would be a little bit of work. Then came the shock...


I leaned back in my chair I was 19, who lived in small country town in Australia, like my parents would let me move over there just to work! Like sure they knew how much I loved games but they would try to guilt trip me into staying but dad knew the truth that if I ever got the chance to game for a living I would go for it.  

Of course I applied with very little chance I had, I would be lucky to win as I wasn't even a youtuber, I just supported most people on this website. I filled out the form and sent it to the Derp Crew's business email only to realise that I didn't put a subject, sighing i turned my computer off and went to work. 


"Amber! Amber!" I rolled over in bed to see a boy with shaggy black hair in front of me. I should punch him right now.. he knows not to wake me up.

"what, WHAT?" he jumped back as I yelled laughing.

"well I saw this thought you might want to see it" he handed me his phone with a new video from the Derp Crew.


"Hey guys we are here today to tell you guys the top 3 contestants for Derp Crew Comp" Smarty's voice jumped in first.

"Shut up Smarty. that's my line!" Chilled barked back.

Ze pulled them back in line and started "Anyway, we would like to thank everyone for applying even some of the guys that tried to fake being a female"

"The 3 people who will be moving on to the Skype interviews are.....




I started jumping on my bed

"I got in!! I get an interview!!.... wait... I have an interview..." I fell face first into the blankets. How was I going to do this? I'm way to shy when I first meet people, they won't even bother with me if I'm like that.

I looked up at Clark "we have work to do"


Thanks for reading guys hope you enjoyed it! :D 

I will add the next chapter in the next couple of days :)

Please share it around, thanks 

cya around :P xx

The Derp Crew + 1 - Teh Smarty FanficWhere stories live. Discover now