First Session - Part 3

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First Session 

"Soooo.... how did it go?" Clark smiled sitting on my bed. 

"I think it went okay, had a good laugh and a decent talk" 

He clapped "that sounds like it went great!" 


"I didn't think you messaged anyone but me on skype?" Clark walked over softly punching my arm.

"I don't" I spun around to see what was happening, it was a group invite from a Steven, I declined sitting back on my bed talking to Clark. 


"The hell?" I jumped back up looking at the screen again. Three invites to a group chat as I read the names I realised it was Ze that had invited me and now Chilled, Tom and Smarty had to try and get my ass in there. Quickly pressing accept I was bombarded by hello and a why didn't you accept mine! I looked up at Clark.

"Looks like I'm in or its a trial" 

"I'll leave you to it, good luck" he smiled showing himself out as I quickly set up my head set and microphone.

"Hey guys, sorry I forgot Ze's real name was Steven"

"Ohhh... I thought you loved me... That's what Chilled said" Ze looked into his webcam with a fake sad face. 

"CHILLED!" I yelled as he looked up from his bowl of food.

"What did I do now!?" he mumbled trying to act innocent. Oh lord I realised how interesting this recording session would be.

"So whats the plan?" I asked turning my webcam on.

"FUCK SHE IS HOT!" Galm yelled

"SHUT UP!" Smarty yelled over the top of everyone standing up for me. I laughed as Galm just shook his head.

"GODDAMIT SMARTY! I was kidding, how about trying to hide the crush you ha-" 

"I DON'T, I DON'T!" he yelled like a little kid blushing bright red as we all laughed.

"Guys can we please get down to recording" Tom calmed the boys as chilled starting his intro

"Hello everyone, I'm Chilled Chaos.." 

"Also known as CHILLY WILLY!!" Ze butted in

"Anyway I would like everyone to welcome Mrs_Meoww to the Derp Crew" I smiled and waved as the boys clapped and cheered, that's when I realised it was a Derp livestream not a recording... that means fans are watching... talking... judging... I quickly went into a private message with Ze 

Amber - this is a livestream?

Steven - Yeeeeeeep :D

Amber - ohhh great.. :/

Steven - what's wrong haven't you ever done one? 

Amber - ahh that would be a negitive..

"Welcome Amber to her first livestream ever!! be nice to her in the chat she is a little nervous" I could kill that kid right now, Ze smiled as I just stared at him.

"Can we please play a killing game?" I asked with a sweet voice

"We are doing Dercraft why?" Galm asked

I just smiled "nothing... watch your back Ze"


Hey everyone, two chapters in one day WOOOOHHH :D

hope you are liking it, I am a little stuck, have ideas just have to join them up haha 

Anyway see you soon, don't forget to comment, vote and share :D 

BYEEEE :) xx

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