Cats - Part 8

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I stood in the shower thinking.. I couldn't like Smarty, well John... It isn't meant to happen. I have to work with him, if we dated it would be awkward. The fangirls wouldn't be able to handle it and I won't be able to handle them hating me.

"Amber! We have 10 minutes!" I heard him yell from the door. I sighed turning off the water and quickly got dress in jeans and my Big Bang Theory shirt. My hair was a different story, it didn't want to play along at all! I ended up doing two plates quickly starting my computer.

"2 minutes!" I yelled out to annoy him

"FUCK YOU!" he yelled laughing 

"Amber! you're late! where is Smarty?!" Steven swamped me with questions when I got to the call. 

All I could do was laugh "Ahh long story short, Smarty had no food and I took the longest in the shower, okay?" they all nodded as I saw him run past my door with only a shirt and boxers on.. He was not going to do this in only that!? I quickly got up and followed him as I watched him start talking to them as they went live. Ohh this would be too much fun.

"SMARTY! PUT SOME PANTS ON!" I yelled from the door

"DAMIT AMBER! THEY DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW!" I fell over laughing as I saw the chat go crazy wanting to see a pant less Smarty. 

"GET BACK HERE!" I ran back to my room locking the door

"Sup?" I laughed as the guys just shook their heads 

That's when the front door rang

"Oh Amber, your surprise is here" Do I believe him? what would he have got me?

I got up walking to the door as he stood there with a box in his hands

The box started to make noise "Meow... Meow... MEOWWWW!" 

FELIX! he was my kitten I had to leave in Australia, well I thought I did

"But how?" I looked at Smarty

"Your mum rang me and asked if we could take him as he was missing you way to much, and I said yes" 

I smiled grabbing Felix out of the box hugging him as he licked my face.

"I missed you too baby" I could of just sat there all day with him, but we did have a stream to do which Smarty did cover for me as I got Felix set up and then returned as he jumped in my lap purring into my microphone 

"Sorry guys he does this" I laughed as chat went crazy saying he was cute but then he decided my keyboard was a great place to sleep.

"Felix! I need this to play" I watched the boys laugh

"We could move to Mario Kart if you wanted to Amber?" Galm offered

I nodded "it sounds like an amazing idea" I turned my webcam off moving into Smarty's room as we quickly set up everything so we could both play

"I have to sit on the floor?" I asked as he nodded

"how about I sit in the chair and you can sit on the floor?" he disagreed straight away, we continued this for about 15 minutes till he finally gave in and I got the chair. 

"Okay so Tom will get first, Smarty will get last and Amber will cry" Chilled smiled

Sadly he was wrong, I ended up flogging everyone and was able to help Smarty get second by whispering little cheat things to him. 

"They are so cute!" Ze mentioned 

We all laughed "Good joke Ze" 

"I wasn't kidding" I sighed, can they just shut up we are only friends... I think...

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