The Night Out - Part 7

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The Night Out

Dinner was amazing but then Chilled thought it would be a great night to go out and get drunk not realising I was only 19 turning 20 soon. So I tagged along for the photo opportunity and what could I say I got some amazing photos but the party didn't end once we got back to Smarty's the boys convinced me to have a couple of shots with them to "officially" welcome me to the Derp Crew. I called it a night soon after as the plane trip did take the life out of me.


I rolled over in my new bed to find a body next to me... OH FUCK! I quickly opened my eyes seeing Smarty curled up like a kitten with his head on my chest. I looked down as we were both still clothed well mostly he was only in boxers, I sighed in relief, he stirred in his sleep it surprised me that it was enough to wake him.

"Smarty?..." I looked over as he rubbed his eyes

"Huh? What are you doing in m-" he looked at me shocked and fell out of the bed.

"Amber, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean t- ...... Wait we are clothed?"

I laughed "Looks like you just wanted someone to snuggle" he smiled as I helped him up and walked to the kitchen. 

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked sitting on the kitchen bench 

"Well whatever it is it will be quick, we have a Derp stream in a hour" 

I sighed "This is the life I agreed to?" he nodded

"Cereal then.." I was hoping this kid would be a master chef and cook pancakes or something.. guess I'll have to wait for another day. 

"I'm out of it" he laughed

"Toast?" he shook his head



"Then what Smarty? I'm a female and HUNGRY!!" I looked him dead in the eyes

He smiled "One, Call me John. Two, I forgot to go shopping so I only have fruit" 

I rolled my eyes "One, It's weird calling you by your first name. Two, Can I make a fruit smoothie?" 

"You have 30 minutes" I looked at him, we spent half an hour arguing about breakfast. I got up running to the bathroom. I needed a long shower before this stream and I don't know how long he takes. 

"AMBER! NOT FAIR!" I heard a voice chasing me up the stairs. Maybe living with him wont be to bad after all, he seemed like a really nice guy to begin with.

The Derp Crew + 1 - Teh Smarty FanficWhere stories live. Discover now