Who Will Leave? - Part 14

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Who Will Leave? 

I sat in my room playing portal 2 for the fifth time when I heard a knock on my door, I groaned to let them know they could enter

"Amber" Chilled ran over hugging me

"Yeah?" I stood up taking the hug not moving my arms

"Smarty is leaving the Derp Crew" 

I shook my head "He isn't.. I am.." I looked him in the eyes, he just stood there shocked

"So we are losing both of you?" 

"No.. go tell him to stay.. my best friend will be here in two days to pick me up.." I sat down, going back to my game

"You aren't leaving Amber!" Smarty yelled, standing at my door

"I am! You deserve it more then I do!" I yelled back, tears in my eyes

"STOP!" Chilled yelled in between us

"Amber your staying at mine tonight. Smarty we are having a guys night okay!?" we both nodded, I got up packing a small bag, walking out to the car.

"I'll look after Felix" Smarty said trying to be nice, I just nodded.

I sat in the car and started crying I couldn't bring myself to start the car.. I knew I had to go fix what I had done wrong but Chilled was right, we needed a night to ourselves and we can talk tomorrow.. if he wanted to.. I got myself together after a while and drove off.



The night had been pretty good, Chilled had really helped me forget about everything.. even her for a while.. 

*Knock KNOCK*

I paused the game looking at Chilled

"Amber?" he asked

"nahh she took her keys" 

"Amber!" The male voice yelled. NO! it couldn't be him! he wouldn't have the balls to come here and hurt us all again. 

I got up running over, throwing the door open

"Fuck off you Jerk!" I yelled swinging a punch at the person who fell to the ground to avoid it

"Wooh! dude! stop!" The person yelled as I went for another punch

"Smarty NO!" Chilled yelled grabbing my arms as I started to swear at the person

"Fuck off Aphex! You're a fucking homewreacker!" 

"Aphex?" the person asked as I looked down at them... it wasn't Aphex it was a guy I hadn't even met before

"And you are?" Chilled asked

"Clark... Clark Jones.. I'm Amber's friend from Australia..." the scared guy pushed out

"I'm so sorry!" I dropped to the ground in front of him

"Well I'm Chilled and the guy who tried to fight you is Smarty" the young boy nodded

"I've heard a lot about you guys"

I stayed on the ground.. Clark... I remember her mentioning him a few times and I knew they were best friends

"She wont forgive me now.." I mumbled

"Can I ask what is going on? This was the address she gave me" He asked helping me up, as we walked back inside and started talking.

The Derp Crew + 1 - Teh Smarty FanficWhere stories live. Discover now