Derp Crew Panel - Part 11

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Derp Crew Panel

I walked to the function room where I saw Chilled and Tom setting up.

"Amber!" Chilled ran over hugging me

"Hey guys, hows the hangover Chilled?" 

He sighed "It hurts.." Tom walked over blowing a whistle in his ear making him fall to the ground holding his head. 

"That's a little mean" I laughed, Tom just smiled and went back to setting up. I helped Chilled up seeing Ze and Smarty walk in. Oh no.. he must of told Ze.. What if the whole group knows.. 

"Amber, get ready" Galm yelled out, nodding I went over talking my seat next to Ze and Smarty.


It was amazing to meet all the fans that supported us. But it was question time and this was when I started to get nervous..

"Hello, big fan.. My question is for Amber" I nodded 

"Is it true you and Dlive had a thing going for the last year?"

I sat there shocked.. gotta love rumors

"Umm.. That is incorrect, I only met Dlive yesterday for the first time" the young kid nodded walking off.

The questions continued but the boys were getting easy ones compared to me.. everyone just cared that I was a girl or why I don't show my boobs..

"Can you please do face cam?" A little kid he had to be at least 13 asked


"Because your smoking" I sighed getting up walking out. 

"Amber!" I heard Tom's voice from the panel call out but I kept walking until I was outside in the sun.

I didn't know how long I had been sitting there until Smarty was next to me.

"Amber?" I looked up at him

"Sorry, I needed a break.. I can't take the bloody teens asking about my boobs or the fact I'm a girl" I replied almost yelling. That's when I felt his arms around me as he pulled me close to his chest. 

"I'm sorry" he whispered as I relaxed sinking into his arms. We stayed like that for what felt like an hour but sadly only five minutes.

When we got back to the panel the boys had actually put up some rules on the slide show which kept a lot of the young boys from asking the stupid questions again.

"Hi.. My names Amanda" I looked at the girl speaking as I went to sit back down.. I could tell she was sick but I wasn't sure if it was cancer or something else.

"My compliment is for Amber" I smiled standing behind my chair 

"I would like to thank you from most young girls in this room, I look up to you as a person and as a gamer.. Your so sweet to everyone, even some of the people that have asked inappropriate questions today" She continued and I couldn't help but smile I even felt tears starting to build

When she finished I looked at her "Can I ask you a question?" she nodded. That's when I jumped off the stage and ran over giving her the biggest hug as she hugged back 

"My question is, can I get a photo with you?" She looked at me surprised

"You want one with me?.." I nodded as we took a couple of photos together on both of our phones as I looked up noticing that Galm had been recording vlogs through out the whole panel but I didn't care I had met one of my biggest fans.

We ended the panel soon after that and did a meet and great with a few people, I was given a lot of gifts from fans, well we all did so we agreed to do a fan mail video on all our channels.

I looked over at Smarty as he smiled.. This guy was the best.. he was able to get me back into this panel when I thought everyone in here hated me... Maybe he was meant to be more then a friend...

The Derp Crew + 1 - Teh Smarty FanficWhere stories live. Discover now