The Move - Part 5

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The Move


I knew this day would come.. I would pack my room up and I would never come back.. Chilled had helped me with the visa, flights and a hire car, weird that country was going to trust me to drive.

"You know you don't have to leave Amber.." Clark said walking up behind me. We had been best friends for 3 years we tried dating but it didn't work but we were to close to hate each other. I turned around facing him as he wrapped his arms around me.

I looked up into his blue eyes "I'm gunna miss you man" I smiled poking his cheek as he tried to bite my finger.

"I'll visit as soon as I can" as we hugged tight.

"Sweetie we have to get to the airport" I heard my mum yell from downstairs. As I felt soft lips land on my cheek which made me blush as I felt tears begin to swell up in my eyes, I couldn't look at him I knew I wouldn't be able to hold them back. That's when the arms dropped and I sighed.

"I'm sorry for all the pain I caused over the three years we have been friends..." he laughed, that's my job.. to hold you when your upset and beat up exe's... well it was.. you'll find a new guy now" 

I shook my head "no you'll always be it" he smiled


I grabbed my three bags making my way down stairs and into the car as I waved to Brandon and some of my family.


As I sat in my seat in first class.. stupid Chilled trying to make me like him I laughed to my self.

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness" The guy next to me whispered

"I only laughed, the talking comes later" I smiled

"Ohh my name is Adam by the way" he offered out his hand

"Amber" I replied shaking it

"Might as well get along it is a 18 hour flight to LA" he laughed

"Well sadly that is just a stop for me, gotta go all the way to New York"

"Wow, what for?" 


"Nice, whats your job?" how do I tell this guy that I work with five other guys on youtube?

"Ahh... Youtube" I mumbled

"Same!" as I looked up I wish I could restart this conversation, I have been sitting here talking to the one and only John Cena for the last hour.

"John Cena! You can't see me my time is now" he nodded

"I'm sorry I didn't realise" 

"It's fine, it was kind of nice not to be seen" I smiled

For the rest of the leg we talked about everything, even planned to do some videos in the future, he was able to convince me to start an account and upload videos as people do like to watch the same thing from different point of views.


As we walked out into the lounge area we said our goodbyes as I saw DSP running up giving him a big hug and kiss they were an adorable couple and one of my favorites in the youtube world. I walked over to the next flight I still had 2 hours till boarding so I grabbed some food. 

While eating and playing my 3DS my phone started going off. 

Smarty - In LA yet!?! 

Amber - Yeah, 2 hours till boarding

Smarty - Well that's good, I won't be able to pick you up from the airport as I have work, Chilled will though and then I'll pick you up from his once I finish, sorry

Amber - It's okay, I understand :)

I put my phone away playing Pokemon Art Academy till boarding and slept the rest of the flight.


Hey guys I'm slowly going to bring more people into it as I wanna have like PAX East feature in this at some point :)

Dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share :D

Cya Soon :)

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