Love or Lust? - Part 9

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Love or Lust?

The stream was as normal great we all said goodbye and signed off thats when something happened I turned around in the chair to get out when Smarty's arms appeared either side of the chair stopping me. His soft face was only centimeters away from mine my body went into a crazy mode most likely because it's been 3 years since I've kissed or loved someone.

"Sm-Smarty?" My voice shaked as he smiled.

"Amber..." This couldn't happen.. I knew that! 

My phone started to ring which snapped us both our of the trance we were in. He moved his arms letting me up to grab it.


I should of just kissed her let her know what I felt, ever since the day of the interview she had me hooked like a drug and I only wanted a taste but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I watch her run back to her room as I sat on my bed thinking. Did I love her or was it that I just missed Lisa? I did miss her but she cheated on me with Chilled, I forgave him as he was my best friend and business partner but I couldn't blame him she was the one that said we had broke up and went to him in tears. We later found she was jealous that I spent all my time with the Derp Crew and wanted to change that so it was easier to just get her out of my life. Amber isn't like that though, she is part of the Derp Crew so she would understand and I would be able to travel with her and it would just be amazing.. But I doubt she even feels the same...

"Hey Smarty, you better get packing I got a phone call off Ze he got us business passes to PAX PRIME BABY!!" 

"YES A HOLIDAY!!" I got up dancing with her.

This was my chance I could finally show her my feelings.


PAX PRIME!? OMG! I always wanted to go to Pax Australia but I never had the money now we were pretty much getting paid to go but also we would be doing a panel, the first ever Derp Crew panel and for most of us our own first panel it would be interesting. But I'm going to get to finally meet Dlive I was in love with him and I might finally able to get him to notice me....

The Derp Crew + 1 - Teh Smarty FanficWhere stories live. Discover now