4. Alexandra

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If Alex could be a Cheshire Cat, she'd have the biggest smile.

She watched Britain slowly stand up, obviously trying to process the fact that 1.) Alex just kissed him, 2.) Somebody just kissed him, and 3.)...... the point is home at this point.

Although she was initially over the moon because he didn't pull away ( he actually let her go longer than she expected) but she could soon tell that she may have crossed a line.


Ok a tad.

Alright she stepped way over.

'What, uhmmm, what was that?', was his response, his face nearly beet red in his attempt to process what happened, and he looked unsure of what to do. Alex mentally cursed herself, not realizing that she jumped too soon.

'Nothing, nothing. Aye that was my fault I should've have pressed you like'-

'I didn't say I didn't like it. I'm asking why?'

His face was rather blank, even though the reddish color still lingered, the look on his face wasn't exactly a poker face, but she definitely needed to choose her next few words wisely.

And looking retrospectively, she knew why he would react that way. Alex would be weirded out if a brand new student partner suddenly kissed her. It was a legitimate concern, and she really didn't know why she just went for it.

'Ion know honestly. I guess I like you.'

'How, you barely know me.'

Surprisingly, his face scrunched up a little, and while she knew he was trying to display disdain, it just made him look cute.

Shrugging her shoulders, Alex gave the best answer she could.

'You're pretty.'

'I guess. How are you a woman and handsome? And aren't you, you know..... gay?'

Alex coughed and nearly chocked on her own spit, floored by the fact that he was being so forward and blunt. But admittedly it hadn't occurred to her or she hadn't thought of her showing interest in him was weird until now, almost forgetting that she was masc-presenting, and it never dawned on her that the man she'd stolen a kiss from might've found that strange.

It was true, Alex had dated her share of women in the past, having built a reputation for being able to attract them with ease. But she'd also made it plain to most people that knew her back home that she wasn't averse to dating men, and she'd caught the attention of more than one.

'I mean, I like what I like. A can't necessarily say that I like one or the other more. But I like you.'

'You still hardly know me.'

Alex chuckled, taking his repeated assertion as a challenge rather than a deterrent or discouragement.

'You that can change easily, go on a date with me.'

'Shouldn't be asking you out?'

'Who kissed who first? And didn't I introduce myself first.'

She chuckled as Britain's face turned into a pout, Alex taking that and his now crossed arms as a sign that she'd won.

'Ok fine.'


Britain was confused.

Granted , he'd never been out on a date before but here he was, in the passenger seat of Alexandra's, her full name now known to him, Kia Stinger, down the highway to....

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