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Hoseok's skin looked paler than usual, but his skin is normally honey-like. Alot of people complemented his godly honey skin. But now wrists were bound with bloody cuts; it was looking ugly now. Before, his wrists weren't

His energy was drained from everything; he lost interest in the things he loved doing but before, he was the sunshine he would support people in their work and send luck.

He looked more thinner than the usual; he looked like he had some eating disorder. back then, he was in normal shape, good body, slim and good shaped.

Jin -- his long time friend-- had noticed this before, it all started when people started bullying Hoseok's sexuality: his parents abusing him.

It was a terrible nightmare of the Latter.

' Hoseok? Are you okay? ' Seokjin asked, as he looked the latter with concern.

Both male let the room fall silent.

' Yeah hyung, ' The latter's voice cracked.

' I-Im fine ' the latter said, giving his hyung a fake smile.

' Im TRULY FINE ' the latter added as tears rolled down his face; wiping it fast so his hyung wouldn't notice. The latter left the room, slamming the door so Seokjin could hear.

Seokjin jumped from the sound of the door slamming, he truly needs to help Hoseok out, until, it's too late for him.


:))) Okay its my first time plz be kind to this disgusting book, this is my first time  so yeh! My book is coming soon so yehhhh love y'all angels!~

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