cнapтer 10 (тнe ĸιdnap)

241 14 14


>:> sorry not sorry

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The White headed kissed his beloved boyfriend passionately as they laid into the Latter's bed. Both of them had been dating for the past few weeks, and their relationship was growing than both males expected it to be.

Yoongi bit into Hoseok's lower lip, asking for entrance into his wet Carven. The Latter happily opened his mouth. Letting their tongues battle with eachother, Hoseok parted away panting heavily as he looked at the elder; fondness growing over the two. Which made their relationship more stronger.

"I promise you, I'll protect you no matter how hard it gets, that arranged wedding will never break us apart baby." Yoongi spoken breaking the silence between the two males. The Latter already knew about the arranged wedding, ofcourse at first it made the Latter panic and stressed. He had been traumatized by the incident before.

The Latter smiled ear-to-ear, he'd never been this happy in his entire life.

"We should already sleep, hyung" The younger said nuzzling his head into the older's warm neck. Receiving a nod from the eldest. Both males happily close their eyes as they tangled themselves to eachother escaping reality.

' I hope everything will be like this, forever' The younger thought as sleepiness occupied his thin body.

Not everything is meant to be happy, just yet.

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It was in the middle of the night when the Jung's came to their household. They already tied and taped seokjin's mouth. Both wicked lovers decided to kidnap both their son and Seokjin. Making Chen more worried than ever.

"FINE I'LL DO IT, YOU DICKHEAD!" Mrs.Jung whisper-shouted at her husband whose drinking beer while watching over thr knocked out Male laying onto the cold floor.

Mrs.Jung opened the Latter's bedroom door, seeing her son being hugged by another fag. ' he'll die in hell soon, he never learns!' the female shouted mentally at her thought; taking out a handkerchief and tape.

She then quietly tied Hoseok's arms and legs together: tightly, but then Hoseok woke up. Chills went up onti his spine "A--!!!!!!" Hoseok was about to let our a eerie shout when his mother decided to cover his mouth with a handkerchief; Tightly, proceeding the younger to fall into the his mother, the female stuffed the handkerchief into the Latter's luscious cherry like lips. "Finally, yout going to die soon. I won't have any demonic children anymore" Mrs.Jung whispered tobm her noe unconscious son while she dragd her out if the room. Closing the wooden door like a kidnap didn't happen a few mins ago.

Both Jung's left the house and went inside their very own Limo, going somewhere in Florida to keep these two away from eachother.

Yes, both Jung's are secretly rich. Ever since the day when Hoseok had confessed to his parents he liked the same gender as him. The two started their own Mafia. They became more infamous and unstoppable.

But, one might take them down.

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The sun shone brightly behind the blinds, some slipping having alittle bit of sunlight inside the room.

The White headed stretched his whole numb body he opened his eyes expecting to get morning kisses and sweet " Goodmorning's" from the younger. This morning is differ from his usual one.

The elder began to panic he stood up running around the empty household. Screaming Hoseok and Seokjin's names loudly.

'fuck fuck this can't be happening, not right now please.' The elder thought to himself even mentally cursing for not taking care of his beloved boyfriend more. The male started to breakdown, salty and big fat tears started to roll down onto the White headed's pale cheeks Continuously cursing at himself over and over again.

"FUCKING HELL!" Yoongi shouted outloud cursing at his stupidity. He cried more wanting his boyfriend just to be here, close to him kissing him deeply, hugging him while watching movied that they'd both love. But noe that's not it. Hoseok was kidnapped without Yoongi even noticing even his Poor Hyung! He hates this. Why the two of his beloved ones? Why?

The White headed questioned everything that has happened in a blink of an eye. Everything was very confusing. Very faint to even understand.

Yoongi didn't know what to do. Everything was really happening so fast. Until

'Yoongi, if anything happens to us, please call this number' Seokjin spoken to the younger while handing him a piece of paper with the name and contact on it.

'wait. Whose this hyung?' the younger asked his hyung.

'My mother, she knows everything. Even my sister, she'll help you out of this. We've already planned this out.' Seokjin spoke outloud, giving a comforting smile to the younger.

Before the White headed responded, he let out a stressed sigh while smiling faintly to his hyung. "I promise, hyung. I promise"

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Chen blew out white smoke, one hand onto her arm, resting it. Both her and her daughter --Chaerin-- had been practicing for their huge fight.

Their bond had grew more bigger, Chen thanked the Arranged marriage for this. CL was never close to her mother but was close with her father. Until her father died: their bond had faded into thin air.

"Mom," Chaerin back hugged her still smoking mother, both we're looking at the beautiful view outside their huge mansion. They've both seen beautiful houses, forests, sunset, fiery clouds Everything!

After Chen let out the last huff, she stomped onto the cig discharging other smoke And fire.

"Yes love?" her mother asked, eyes focused onto the beautiful scenery infront of them. "I was wonder---", her daughter was about ti continue speaking until her mother's phone rang.

There was one thing that came out of the mother's mind 'Seokjin'

Chen quickly answered the phone call bringing the answered phone onto her ear: "Hello?" Chen questioned the other line.

Sobs and hiccups were heard on the other line.

'Mrs.Kim i-it's m-me Yoongi..'

Chen looked with her daughter faced to face her fear and worriedness occurred on her face.

Chen built up courage to once again talk to her Son's friend.

"Yoongi? What's wrong?"

'S-somthing happend here--!!' the male on the other line broke onto a fit of sobs, causing both kim's to worry.

"What happened, Yoongi. Tell me please?" Chen continued, hearing the other male on the line spokr. Fear on his voice.

'they were kidnapped, both of them'

This made both kims shocked.

"FUCK!" CL CURSED WALKING OUT OF THE SCENE. Shes ready to get a full BLOODBATH just for the sake of his brother and Hoseok.


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