cнapтer ¹¹ ( ѕ н ø r т ) cuz im sleepy ;+;

197 13 14


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The younger groaned as he felt his body go numb, and his pounding head. The Latter opened his eyes, adjusting to the light that was focused on him. "Where the fuck am i?" the Latter questioned himself, as he felt handcuffs on him, shrugging.  He looked around his surroundings seeing one person who he had his life with ver since childhood days.

"Seokjin hyung?" Hoseok whispered as he looked at how badly his hyung wa beaten into a pulp. His hyung was tied still unconscious.

Hoseok's teared up, he knew that his parents kidnapped him and his beloved hyung.  Hoseok sighed as he thought of his lover, wondering if he was trying both him and Seokjin or even panicking right now. Hoseok sighed as he looked at his unconscious hyung, frowning. "This is my fault, hyung. Im sorry i got you into this. Im sorry" The younger teared up as he blamed himself for everything. It was true! Everything is happening right now cause of him, just him.   This wouldn't be happening to Seokjin if it wasn't for him. Hoseok once again balmed himself, feeling guilt spread into him.

The latter sighed as the salty tears kept falling.

"well, well, look whose awake now" A voice afar spoke, steeping into light
"What do you want, mother" asked the tied latter. His mother snickered as Hoseok replied without fear, he changed alot ever since he met Yoongi, he learned how to love himself and be strong.

"oh wow!  I didn't know that my son who such as fag knows how to talk back to his mother!, Did that Yoongi guy changed you?" His mother asked, roughly grabbing his chin, making him look towards her. Face-to-face.

'seokie.. I know your more than stronger, just keep fighting, okay honey? I love you.'

The Latter replied as he collided lips with the elder, 'I will hyung, i love you too.'

Hoseok smiled wickedly as he remembered his beloved lovers sayings. He gathered enough courage to bite back to his such of a demon of a Mother.

"Yeah, he fucking changed me cuz he was proud of who i was. Unlikr you your a fucking disgrace to my life. I hope you fucking die and burn in hell, Mother!" The Latter shouted and crused at his mother. While his face was slapped harshly.

Hoseok's mother chuckled at his Son's action, The Latter's mother thought he changed Hoseok to something that was breakable, i guess she had the wrong thought. Hoseok's unbreakable.

"When did you learn to talk back to me? Huh?" his mother asked as her eyes was piercing into Hoseok. The latter rolled his eyes, making his mother snap.

"You know what.." Is mother pulled out a handgun resting the gun into Hoseok's head, the younger still needed to be more stronger, he looked at hid mother, expressionless.

His mother suddenly shot Hoseok's leg, making the latter scream in pain and sudden shooting  "FUCK!" screamed the now bleeding latter.

His mother snickered leaving the light and leaving Hoseok alone, bleeding.

The younger snickered, replying to his mother.

' fuck you, you asshole."

;-; its almost the ending.

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