cнapтer 9 [ CL ]

272 14 18

Me: whats up with Wattapad? *checks it*

--- scrolls throught my  profile---

HOW TF DID SM GET 100+ READS? Tell mE pLeASe?? But hey, THANK YOU TOOO MY WONDERFUL READERS! Hay NAKO JUSME BIGLA NIYO KONG NAPANGITI :(( And my sudden language just bug in. Haha😂😂 but thank you for all the love and support everyone! I love you all!!😭🙏💕. Okay enough talk. My motivation is back on track, my schedule and writing is back too. Love yall.❤❤

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Sobbing could be heard through Chen's room, the female felt so defeated. She's really Stupid, Chen's breath hitched due to the lack of air.

Her sobbing echoed through out the whole non spacious room, The female tried her best to muffle her sobs, since it was getting more louder.

While the eldest, Chaerin heard her mother sob endlessly. As the hours pass it was time to take action. The Gray headed twisted the knob, entering too her mother's room. Making the other female on the bed flinch.

"Aish," Her mother expressed, her voice alittle croaky since she has been crying for like -- an eternity!

"Chaerin, love, what are you doing here?" Questioned the mother whose smilled ear-to-ear, like she hadn't had a bad breakdown a few minutes ago. This fascinated the Gray headed, acting your fine, but in reality.. Your not.

"Mother," Chaerin spoke softly, a short sigh escaped her mouth. "What's wrong? I heard you we're sobbing in all. What happend?" Chearin asked her mother with a gentle and pleasing voice frowning as she holds her mother's hand feeling the warmth.

"Love, you won't under--" The mother got cut of by the determined daughter, tightening the hold of her mother's hand. She does this when she's curious, stressed, worried, and happy.

"I'll try to understand, mother! I will, just please tell me!" She continued her doe eyes rounded; making her mom chuckle. She literally like's her children's curiosity and determination. Both CL -- Chaerin's Alias-- and Jin.

The mother slip a sigh, she nodded. "Fine" Those words made the other smile.

"Well.." another harsh sigh escaped, " The Jung's we're back here. Acting like innocent parents and all that shit" Chen rolled her eyes, saying those words made her want to speak more. "And i made a stupid decision to agree to let you be wedded to Hoseok, when, he's happy with Yoongi! And we know the reason why the Jung's want to take your hand. Just because of money, my love." the now crying mother weakly smiled at her now drowning daughter who held her hand tightly, still hanging and listening to whatever her mother has to say or be spoken.

"We all know, that, the Jung's are planning something wicked after tge wedding. And, we have to make a plan for this. " Chen said, finishing.

After a few mins of silence, Chaerin broke it up to them, "So, does this mean.. I have to use my skills again?" The Gray headed lowly said, still looking at her mother's eyes. Seeking for answers.

"Yes, you have too. Now, let's have enough drama, we still have asses to be kicked still, love." Her mother joked, Sadness and weariness was soon replaced with smiling faces.

Both sat up, locked hand walking out of the room, through the basement.

Ever since CL's dad died, she'd never held nor touched her dagger nor weapons before. Her father was a trained assassin, which the Gray maiden got inspiration to be one to. But then her father passed, she'd stop. Her dreams we're all scattered and broken.

Chen typed the password, hearing the basement doors open. Chaerin smiled as she looked at her now mother whose crying tears of joy. CL spoke

"Let's kick some ass, mother"

And with that both of the Kim familia planned for the brutal wedding, They both we're ready as ever.

619 words ; ), so yeah. Just a sneak peak! hope you guys enjoy it! Love yall please stay healthy ❤❤

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