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The latter sobbed, as he was kicked hard on the stomach by his father. Everything that was happening right now was a complete confusion for the latter.

When he went home from the store, since, his mother ordered him to go to the store to buy fruits for dinner tonight. His father suddenly attacked him from behind, without any reason, I guess they hate me, they already did ever since the beginning I existed in their lives.

The latter received the last harsh punch in the stomach from his father. Hoseok was covered in bruises, fresh bruises above his almost-healing ones. His eyes we're swollen from the punches he had received alittle while ago. The latter was bleeding against the cold floor, Not caring if he'd receive another round of abusing.

His father placed his foot on his son's head putting more force into pushing the latter's bruised head into the floor. ' Next time, Try to fucking help your mother clean the damn house! Your not a rich kid, you disgusting fag!' his father exclaimed loudly, putting more force into Hoseok's head.

The bruised latter nodded, as tears rolled down from his bloody bruised face.

After his father had enough of playing with him, he felt the weight on his bruised head left, his father left with a wide grin on his mouth; slamming the door loudly, letting the latter hear it, as it vibrates into every wall and corner of the room he's in.

The latter laid there, crying as his  body felt so heavy for his thin like frame. He couldnt handle everything anymore, he wished he didn't even  existed.

The latter passed out into the cold floor with tears rolling into the corners of his eyes, he really wants to end his suffering already..


Hoseok was still wide awake in the middle of a cold night, still can't sleep.

Hoseok sighed in content, his parents we're asleep, everybody is asleep. He felt confort when it was midnight, since everything's so quite; there's no loud screams and heavy beatings  receiving from his abusive parents.

The latter decided to check his latest pic he posted on Insta, he actually uses insta to message his friends, and post simple love quotes for  which some haters dislike.

And so he did knew it, alot of people had been giving him harsh comments on his latest post, isn't everybody free to love anyone?

Hoseok couldn't handle the hatred and his fear that he was always feeling are still stabbing him: everywhere.

The latter already planned his attempt for a long time now, And now it will start it's already happening and he can't believe it.

But the precious latter couldn't forget to leave his long time and true friend/ family --Seokjin-- a goodbye note.

The bruised latter grabbed his phone with shaky hand; typing unsteadily, messing some sentences or words.

[ Unknown. ]

< Hey hyung! It's Hoseok, your precious, depressed lil sunset :), I would just like to thank you for everything hyung, the things you did for me was accepted by yours truly. I just can't believe i survived for the past 3 years with my depression and all the anxiety and shit with you, you suffered with me. You helped me enough hyung, i think you have to stop taking care of me and let me go :), im already a grown up hyung! Not a kid anymore, but really.. I miss the old days where mom and dad wasn't abusive, when we we're a loving and joyful family before, i miss those days with you, Hyung. I liked how we always go to Han river and feel the cold breeze as we talked there, haha! Memories :). I still wanna Thank YOU for not giving up on me hyung, even tho alot of people did and left me behind, like a broken doll. Thank you for being true to me hyung, it means alot to me, soo much.I cherish those moments where i go to your house at 3 am crying then your comforting me with all your heart, i felt loved everytime you comfort me :), but now let's end my-- well both of our suffering, i have to go now hyung! 😄. I won't suffer anymore longer! I won't be a burden to you anymore!! :), Thank you hyung, I'll cherish you forever, i love you hyung! Ill see you on the other side when your ready! I love you! Don't be sad when you attend my funeral, ill miss you hyung. Don't forget me :).

✅Sent 3:02 AM

Hoseok sighed as tears rolled down his tainted cheeks, he wants to make his last day here on earth memorable and happy, by looking at his and Seokjin's pictures.

After looking at all of the pictures, he sighed as he grabbed the pills he kept in his, spacious wooden Oak table. He entered the bathroom with his phone,still wanting to see his beloved Friends last message.

Hoseok hesitantly took the pills out of the bottle, but more than 3 pills came out. Overdose.

The latter, raise his hand:handful of pills, opening his mouth. Pills falling

' This is it, i won't suffer in this abusive life anymore '

The latter thought. But he was stopped by a couple of notifications om his phone, making the latter shrug as he checked who it was, it nearly made him cry.

[ Unknown. ]

< uh, okay what do you mean?
< wait dude, don't do it! Stop!
<im not Seokjin!
<please don't do it!
< okay I've been there in my life too pal, and I've survived cuz someone saved me from the darkness and it was myself and my friends, i thought i was ganna die without anyone caring, but alot of people did. They helped me through everything, it's a long process but i know you'll dig out of that hell whole, plz there's more things to love here while your still alive. Life's short bud! Don't waste it, you'll find true love.
<hope you don't do anything stupid.
✅Sent- 3:08AM

Hoseok's salty tears, dropped into the the phone he was holding; shakily. Someone cared about him? It's not like Seokjin care but... A second person..

The latter poured the handful of pills into the container once again, he left the pill: uncapped and abandoned as he left the bathroom.

He hesitate at first to answer, but decided to do it. Maybe this unknown number maybe the love of his life, hell, even savior!

[ Unknown. ]

< hey...


< well, im thanking you, im doing it on another day.

< well, the name's Min yoongi lil one.

Hoseok smiled alittle, wow. The latter was surpised it was his first time to smile.

<Jung Hoseok, thank you Angel.

<😂im not an angel.

< well okay then if you insisted.

< you should sleep already, love. Sleep tight! Tomorrow another challenge awaits goodnight!

< yeah you too Goodnight.
✅ Sent 3:18AM

Change " Unknown " to " Yoongi"?

Yes / no

Change complete!

The latter smiled faintly at himself, this is ganna be interesting, Hoseok charged his phone then went straight to dream land.


1207 words :,))), wow my elbows hurt, as i promised i would make the next chapter and here i am with a 1200+ word chapter! So yeah enjoy this chapter feel free to point grammatical errors and other errors i need to fix!, i hope you send love to this book. Stay healthy angels🙏💕 love yall.

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