cнapтer ⁴ ( Yoongι )

502 24 17

Yoongi faintly smiled as he sended that message to the latter, he knows that Hoseok's probably flustered.

But there's one thing that he can't stop thinking of... Why did Hoseok's parents become so abusive; and so furious of their own son? He was also friends with Seokjin. Pretty strange.

So, he decided to get things straight.

[ Hyung! ]

<Hey hyung! Sorry for the sudden massage, but, do you somehow know someone with this kind of phone number + name? Thanks! I wanna just wanna know :)
✅Sent 11:49 AM

<Hey hyung! Sorry for the sudden massage, but, do you somehow know someone with this kind of phone number + name? Thanks! I wanna just wanna know :)✅Sent 11:49 AM

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The White headed sighed, as he waited for a reply from the older, he knew that Seokjin was out of town, to, celebrate his parent's birthday.

Yoongi waited for Seokjin's reply.


' Hyung '  The White headed, straightened himself as he looked at what Seokjin had said.

<Oh hey Yoongz, ofcourse i do! He's Hoseok one of my long time friend, ever since child hood tbh.
<why'd you ask tho?
✅Sent 11:53 AM

<Wow really? I didn't know. I just chatted him acouple of mins ago or so,
✅Sent 11:53 AM

<Oh.. What brings him up to the subject? Why so sudden tho?
✅Sent 11:54 AM

Even tho, Yoongi knows this is only text, but, explaining the whole thing sends shivers down his whole body.

<Well, the day before i catted him, he left you a long note, but i think he accidentally sended it too me. If your ganna ask ' what? Why did he sended that ' and in all, he was attempting to commit Suicide, hyung.
✅Sent 11:54 AM

' here goes nothing' Yoongi thought, tho. He's right, it's ganna be a long conversation.

✅Sent 11:54 AM

< Yeah, it's true hyung! The reason why he's still here, cuz, i put alot of messages. Distracting him from what he's doing.
✅Sent 11:55 AM

<Okay, Jesus. When I get homs, we're both ganna go to Hoseok's house and confront him about what happend to him and everything, im worried rn Yoongi. He's getting hurt again for no goddamn reason! FUCK!
✅Sent 11:55 AM

Yoongi stared at his phone; shooked at his hyung's reply. He's not just mad, Jin's furious.

<Okay hyung, callllmmmmm downnnnn
<but i wanna know the reason why, Why did he get depressed? Why is his parents 'that' abusive? What happeed to the old Hoseok that, you've met before?
✅Sent 11:56 AM

Yoongi's heart paced more into his ribs; he's about to know Hoseok's past..

<This is ganna be a looooong hella message Yoongz... Be prepared.
✅Sent 11:56 AM

< Im ready :)
✅Sent 11:56 AM

<Well, before, Hoseokie was the most happiest kiddo, the both of us would always go to his house at the afternoon, while, the both of us watch his mom bake us her original big chip cookie, it was really fun with Hoseok! We both would watch movies all day, play all day. Until we get tired, i remember, his smile is so blinding that you can't even look at him clearer anymore, he always liked to smile, make people happy. Be their Hope, cuz back then alot of people we're depressed, and, he wantes to be a savior of them. After a few years, we're grown ups now, His parents we're still sweet. Until... Hoseok's dad had an arranged marriage between his son and the daughter of the boss of the company, that, Hoseok's dad worked at. Everything was going fine until,Hoseok backed out and confessed that he didn't like women, but the same sex as his, his parents turned furious of that. . . Everything change, his parents even used their OWN FUCKING SON TO GET HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY, BY THE WAY OF HOSEOK BEING FUCKED BY A BUNCH OF OLD DAMN MEN! When i heard that everybody fucking hated him, EVEN ON SOCIAL MEDIA. I was more than furious, jesus. I remember when he always go to my house at 3 am, just to get comfort. I wanted to cry but i had to stay strong, but i know. Yoongi you might be Hoseok's savior who knows, maybe even the love of his disastrous life. But who knows....?
✅ Sent 12:00 PM

The White headed sheded a tear; unnoticed.

This is tragic, but he's honest he fell for the latter, too quickly.

<Tragic... Im coming with you hyung, i wanna know Hoseok more, even tho, we only talked once or twice.. Im coming with you To go to his house
✅Sent 12:01 PM

<didn't know you had a soft spot for him. OoohhhhHhhh😂😂
✅Sent 12:01 PM

✅Sent 12:02 PM

✅Sent 12:02 PM


Despite being hungry and worried of my bestie here, Mitsumaz14 :(( im still here updating, i gave a short back story about hobi so yeah. ;))) hope yall enjoy this chapter, i might not properly update tommorow,we're celebrating my dad's birthday, also christening :))). I hope Mitsumaz14 you get well soon love :( rest well.. Love yall Angels!💕

So i haven't showed their hairs but heres yoongz

This hoseokes

This hoseokes

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