11 ✧ caregiver

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"I'm already failing with my promise Naruto."

As much as (y/n) wanted to deny the fact that a couple of days have already passed since she dropped Naruto off at the orphanage and she still hasn't came close to fixing papers up for his adoption. It was all true. You see it was a certain image in her head about how this whole process would go along.

But then life came and reminded her that things weren't that simple and slowly led her off her path. It wasn't as if she was doing all this on purpose but she had recently been appointed missions once again. So when she first met Naruto, she had already been discharged from taking missions for awhile. But now the Hokage has deemed her prepared enough to start taking them once more.

And of course she couldn't decline the missions, she needed a way to pay for the roof over her head and all the other necessities that were needed. And she needed even more money for the actual adoption and then everything else that the blond boy will end up needing.

Things weren't free and if (y/n) wanted things then she would have to work for them. This of course is why she hadn't had any time for herself to gather what she needed for Naruto's adoption. Another issue, she knew that this process would be long but she felt even more guilty because she hasn't visited the boy. Not even once. She was already failing the poor boy.

Sighing softly, (y/n) threw herself on the couch. Not caring that she was covered in sweat and grime but actually enjoying relaxing her stiff muscles. All that time being off of missions certainly was reminding her that she was out of shape. She should've trained in the mean time instead of doing nothing.

"I should go visit Naruto. He's probably thinking that I did forget about him." (Y/n) mumbled to herself, getting up from the couch despite the protests her muscles were screaming.

"I wonder if he'll be mad at me. I wouldn't blame him though if he was."


(Y/n) didn't know what she would expect when she walked through the orphanages door. Not because she was worried about the people that worked there would find her suspicious. I mean she only assumed that people would visit the children before ultimately deciding which child would be the one they would bring home and into their family. Thinking of it like that was actually pretty weird.

No, she was worried that the one person she wanted to visit wouldn't want to see her. It wasn't like she could explain to Naruto why the process was taking so long, hell she hasn't even gotten all the documents for her to be accepted as a suitable provider for a young child.

Even if she did explain the reasons to Naruto. Would he fully understand the reasons? Not because he was dumb but because he was so young. It would be harder for him to fully understand the process in a way that a adult would. Hell, she didn't even like thinking of the process because it jumbled up her own mind. Being an adult was stressful.

"Hello there, how can I help you?" The question caught (y/n) off guard momentarily, to caught up in her thoughts and forgetting where she was at. Giving a small awkward laugh, her hand covering the lower half of her face to hide the spreading blush of embarrassment. This is was indeed an embarrassing moment. Great.

Okay maybe she didn't think this through all the way. Can she even ask that she wants to visit someone here? A child nonetheless. What if they thought she was some weirdo trying to spy on innocent little kids? Were people even allowed to just visit the kids here? She just hoped her headband was enough for the caretakers here to see that she wasn't some freak who had a thing for young children. She just hoped.

"Are you possibly thinking about adopting a child here?" The lady's tone came out hopeful, eyeing (y/n) patiently. (Y/n) didn't respond, still overthinking everything and just gave a slow nod in agreement. Well she wasn't exactly lying, but instead of wanting to meet other kids she already had one in mind. Naruto. She hoped she could see him today and didn't have to wait.

"Oh that's just great! It's not too often that we have potential parents walking through our doors." The older lady gushed happily, clearly excited that (y/n) had agreed to planning an adoption.

"Please come right along. Most of the children are outside playing." (Y/n) did as instructed, trailing behind the lady until they were both now outside. Her (e/c) eyes catching the numerous children gathered together playing with one another. While others seemed to be alone, minding their own business.

"Have most of the children here been here since they were infants?" (Y/n) couldn't help but question. Still looking at the children that didn't seem much too older than Naruto. While others looked far older than any of the younger children playing together.

"Why yes actually. Most children here were either left behind as infants while others here were brought in due to both sets of their parents passing away." (Y/n) nodded grimly, wondering how many children here whose parents were shinobi and kunoichi's that have passed away during battles. Could this happen to Naruto if something were to happen to her out in the field?

Pushing thoughts away like that, (y/n) cleared her mind. Setting it towards finding the small blond boy hidden amongst the many other kids. Getting a reassuring nod from the lady, she set forth on finding the boy.

𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 ; hatake kakashi (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now