14 ✧ caregiver

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"I usually think twice before doing something this time I didn't even think for one second."

(Y/n) nervously bit her bottom lip, trying to find the right words to explain her actions. Opening her mouth, a silence following behind and then closing her mouth once more. No words were spoke, just a following a nervous laughter. Which didn't seem to help (y/n)'s case, rather earning a blank stare with a raised eyebrow from the male across from her.

The expression making the young adult inwardly cringe, regretting the noise. Clearing her throat, (y/n) adjusted Naruto within her hold. Her arms slowly getting stiff but still refusing to let go of the blond boy; putting up with the sensation than rather letting the only person making her feel sane go. It was probably for the best.

"Why are we still here? Naruto leaned closer, cupping the girls ear as he whispered to her. Though his natural loud voice not making it such a secret.

Making (y/n) finally ease up and give the boy a small smile. It was time to retell her story and why she did what she did. She only hoped that the Hokage would understand her reasons to why she illegally took Naruto.

One could only hope.

Earlier Today:

It only took her a moment before he body started moving on its own. The only thought in her head, was the fact that she was bringing Naruto home. To her home that became his home in the span of one day. Her body dodging the small kids running past her, ignoring the ones that had tried to talk to her on her way towards the building that her boy had run into. Despite that she would regret being so rude to the children that had done nothing to her.

The memory of the bruise flashing through her mind. The thought making her heart pound in anger and her teeth clench together. The force already causing her jaw to ache but still couldn't find it within herself to relax.

She had knew that people hadn't liked him but she never really expected that the people here at the orphanage were as biased as the rest of them. They were supposed to be the ones taking care of him not that the one inflicting the damage themselves. Huffing quietly, it didn't matter anymore. That was enough reason for (y/n) to bring home to boy. Enough evidence that the orphanage wasn't suited to take care of the young blond boy.

"Is everything alright ma'am?" (Y/n) heard the question, taking all her self-control to not scream out every issue that she had with the way they were caring for Naruto. Instead taking a deep breath and looking at the lady.

"Where did he go?" Straight to the point. (Y/n) didn't have no patience to talk anymore. She just needed to know where Naruto had run off to.

(Y/n) watched the confusion cross the older lady's face. Her feet anxiously tapping the round beneath her, waiting for the lady's response. Rolling her (e/c) eyes when the lady still hadn't responded. "Naruto. Where did he go?"

The lady's eyes finally widened in realization before blurting out, "Did he do or say something to you? He's always been a troublemaker."

"No, he was perfectly fine." Was said through gritted teeth. Silencing the women from her rambling as she then preceded to give her directions to where Naruto had ran off to.

Her legs moving automatically, the directions repeating themselves over and over again in (y/n)'s head. Finally stopping at the front door, turning the knob and slowly pushing it open. Her gaze landing on the old mattress with a small body covered by a thin blanket. The body itself trying to huddle underneath the blanket as much as possible. The would've been endearing to (y/n) if it wasn't in this situation.

"Naruto. C'mon let's go home." (Y/n) called out, walking towards the boy who had peeked his head out at the words. His bright blue eyes looking at her with hesitance and confusion.

"Home?" Naruto's timid voice spoke, his body siting up and still clutching onto the barely suitable blanket.

(Y/n) nodded with a smile, "Yeah, let's go home Naruto." The blond boy gave her a wide grin that was trembling. Tears bubbling up in the corner of his eyes as he held out his arms to be picked up. (Y/n) complying and grabbing the boy, placing him on her hip as he buried his face in her neck.

Present Time:

(Y/n) just trailed off from her story, the rest of it just showing the outcome of bringing the boy home. Adjusting Naruto, who had fallen asleep within the first couple of minutes. As she awkwardly looked around the room before looking at the Hokage.

"It seems that you care a lot for Naruto." (Y/n) gave the older man a sheepish smile. It seemed like she cared a lot for the young boy or she wouldn't have gone great lengths to have him within her arms and end up in the front of the Hokage for kidnapping a young child.

"I care for Naruto a lot. It makes me sad that others don't get the opportunity to get to know the boy before making a biased assumption about him. I just want to make him happy." (Y/n) sadly said, glancing down at the sleeping boy. One of her hands trailing up to his bruised cheek and lightly caressing the skin.

"Then it seems that this conversation is over." (Y/n) looked up at the man confused. Wondering what would now happen. Different scenarios running through her head. Ones that included them taking Naruto away from her.

"I'm sorry. I don't seem to understand." She hesitantly spoke out.

The kind smile on his face suddenly giving her some hope. "I believe that it's best that Naruto stays under your care until he's of legal age." No words ever spoken to her brought her to tears like these ones had. She was happy that she had decided to visit Naruto.


It's short but I'm trying to see if I can get the next chapter up today as well. Enjoy.

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