21 ✧ caregiver

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"Kakashi doesn't do emotions. It's a personal choice."

"Naruto, please stop dragging me," (Y/n) nervously laughed, her hand being gripped tightly by the small blond boy. The young boy happening to be half her size which left her hunched forward. The position now starting to put a strain on her lower back.

Naruto spared her a quick glance, only giving her a cheeky grin as he continued to pull her forward. "You're too slow." Before (y/n) could scold him further, she was cut off by the small yelp the boy produced as he was lifted up by the back of his collar.

In shock, Naruto had let go of (y/n)'s hand. The whiskered-face adorning a look of betrayal while simultaneously wearing a pout. His small arms crossing over his chest, letting out small huffs of what seemed to be from annoyance. (Y/n) straightened out her stance, watching the small scene with mild amusement. The scene that consisted with Kakashi glaring down at a four-year old, while said four year old only returned the glare with a pout on his chubby checks.

"You shouldn't have to be told twice to do something," Kakashi reprimanded with his only visible eye narrowed down at the boy dangling in his grip. The silver-haired male could feel his visible eye twitch in agitation at how the boy only stuck his tongue out in reply.

Naruto turned his face to side with his nose up in the air. His small arms still crossed over his chest to show that he didn't care about what Kakashi had to say. "I don't have to listen to you old man." This is exactly why Kakashi didn't favor children. Sparing a quick glance to the worried female, the male couldn't understand why (y/n) wanted to have kids. Especially, ones that were so eccentric like Naruto.

Kakashi had only been with the blond boy for more than a couple minutes and already felt the migraine building up in his head. "That's the problem Naruto. You should listen to people that are older than you. You can't keep running around like you don't know any better."

Naruto only huffed further annoyed, his small body wiggling around as he tried to get Kakashi's hands off his shirt. "Shut up! I don't have to listen to you. You don't know me."

Kakashi gritted his teeth together, letting the squirming boy touch the ground. His hand quickly placing itself on the boy's shoulder before he could run towards (y/n). Naruto body went stiff at the unwelcoming contact yet kept his blue eyes narrowed at Kakashi's only visible eye.

"If you won't listen to me then listen to (y/n)," Naruto couldn't help furrow his eyebrows at the uncharacteristic sigh that escaped Kakashi's covered mouth. "You seem to care a lot about (y/n), right?" Naruto still confused, nodded his head slowly. Not getting what Kakashi meant.

"Well then you don't want to cause issues for her. You don't think that people won't tell her that she is raising you wrong because you don't listen to a thing she says. People will think that (y/n) is uncapable of caring for you and then they'll start being mean to her. You don't want that, right?"

Kakashi stopped talking once the contemplative look crossed the blond boy's features. Multiple emotions shone in the boy's blue eyes before they started to water as the boy's bottom lip started to tremble slightly. Great. Not only was he around an undisciplined child but now an unemotional one.

Kakashi couldn't help roll his eyes at the emotional display. Backing away from the trembling boy as he vaguely gestured for (y/n) to do something about the boy. The female was probably better at comforting people at their lowest than he was. That was for certain.

(Y/n) crouched over the trembling boy, her hands softly cupping his whiskered cheeks and idly wiping the fallen tears with her thumbs away. "I don't want them to be mean to you," Naruto slightly sobbed, his small hands folding into fists as he angrily wiped away tears from his eyes. His sobs catching the interests of people walking past them, only for them to avert their eyes just as fast as their interest was caught. (Y/n) was grateful that Kakashi was so intimidating that his glare was enough for people to try and ignore them.

𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 ; hatake kakashi (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now