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Hey guys ! I'm just posting an update (I know that nobodies is folowing this story, but it felt kinda rude not to keep you updated) So yeah, I'm not dead, I'm just not in the mood of writing this fanfiction anymore. I began to write because I love HDXD's characters, but now this story has gotten out of hand and that's not what I wanted.

I'm not happy with how this went. Don't get me wrong, I had planned the plot ahead before writing, but it was way better in my head than on the paper (on the webpage actually but whatever). Anyway, I don't know how to end this and i'm not motivated on keeping it up. I've tried many times to find a conclusion to the story but nothing satisfies me.

I could post something i'm not happy with, but that's not what I want... The event of my plots aren't logical and some things doesn't make sense. I'm all out of ideas and in the end I don't think that writing fanfiction is my thing.

It was my first atempt (I guess also my last, but never say never lol) and it wasn't as easy as I thought. Anyway don't expect an update soon (Yeah yeah I know it's been more than 3 months already). I'm not saying that I won't finish this, but I'm just saying that I don't know neither how nor when.

Thank you for reading my story, and thanks for your patience,

See you soon


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