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Hello blushies! It's me again blushieee.

Finally, here goes the TRIPLE SHIPS! The section where all the sequels and cliff-hangers will finally have justice! Lol

As y'all know, the very first chapter of this book (the Wonmi chapter) ended not so good and almost all the readers had complained about how it ended, but I somehow gave the story of Wonmi a chance when I wrote Mishua's chapter and I guess that will be the start of what we so-called love triangle in their story.

Another one is the Hoshana chapter in the side ships, that one is a cliffhanger. If you can still remember, Sana almost have the chance in Hoshi's heart, but then Momo suddenly showed up again, stealing the chance for Sana. I wanted to continue the story so I decided to make it as the second chapter for the Triple Ships while the first one will be the WonMiShua and the others are still undecided though I already have ships in mind.

I still don't know if I'll pursue the idea of having a second part on each triple ship. I am certain that each story will take long to write because we're involving three persons here. I dont know also if I'll change point of views... (which is usually not taking place within the previous chaps)

So yup, I need suggestions, my dearest readers. Just comment down if you want to suggest anything that could help me and I'll kindly read it :)

By the way, thankie thanks for all those readers who stayed to support this book. Y'all know how turtle I am to update but still, you guys didn't leave me. I can't thank you enough for making this book reached 8k reads! I mean, it seems like only yesterday when I've been feeling so grateful about having 1k reads but now look! I've got more than that. I'm aiming to reach 10k reads before the book's anniversary!

As an amateur writer, I can say that I already received a lot of love because of you guys and that's overwhelming for me so thank you so much everyone, to those who reads, who votes and who comments. Thank you as well for my silent readers and to those who added this story in their reading list! You guys are amazing! ♡

For my promotion: If anyone here have extra time, you can check out my other story titled 'You Finally Noticed'. It's a revision of the book 'Because you never notice'. Read the book especially if you're a Wonmi shipper! uwu

That's all! Remember that I love each and every one of you! May God Bless everyone!

Happy Reading!

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