Invasion of the idiot dog brain (e)

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(oki IK this took so long to update, but my life has been hectic, ive been having writers block, and now the day I get motivated to update is the day when WiFi decides to be a bitch only on my phone. Nothing else. Enjoy this crappy chapter, also important A/N at the end)

Song: Aliens!

I just came back from a walk when some lady and her kid came out of Zims house. Gir must have let people in again without thinking, as always. This made me chuckle at how Gir acts

Deciding to pay a visit, I knocked to check up on Zim since its the weekend and he has been busy lately

Knocking on the door Gir lets me in with a "hi, pretty lady!" As always, so whenever that happens i just pat his head. He then goes back to his show and i see Zim monkey painting go back to how it was as he walked up to Gir not noticing I was there yet

"Gir, we're going down into the main system core. This much trouble with the security can only mean, a defective artificial intelligence brain. I'll have to replace it" when he look over at me, he blushed a shade of blue as always

"Hi Zim"

"(y-y/n) what are you doing in Zims base?"

"Just came to check on you" I say as I walk over to him just as Gir yelled

"TACOS!" Gir always seemed to make me laugh

"Just come on"

"Can I come?" I grabbed his glove, actually curious about his base. Except when I grabbed his glove it caused him to blush again

"C-course you can" when Zim agreed I just gave him a closed eye smile showing him that I was happy

I followed Zim as Gir got out if his disguise and followed us as well. We went down his little elevator and it opened up to a huge red room with tubes everywhere and some electronic device in the middle. The two of us followed Zim on a platform down, which was kinda short

We kept following him as he then stopped in front of some electronic device with a big blue ball in the middle "ok, your part is simple, Gir. You just monitor the download conduit, while I replace the old A.I. Brain with this new one" he shows some brain thing in a device

"Taco, taco, taco" Gir then sticks his tongue out in a dorky way as Zim just looked at him confused

"All you have to do is watch the data beam for any fluctuations until the download of the new program is complete" Gir kept looking around not knowing what the heck he was talking about making me giggle as Zim sighed at his bot "pretend it's a taco"

"Yes, sir" Gir salutes, showing that got his attention then looked at the beam

"If there are any changes in the date--taco--beam" he sighed as Gir looked at him "just let me know" he then looked at me "since your actually listening, just make sure Gir doesn't mess anything and see if it changes at all, I don't think Gir will"

I salute like Gir did just to play around a tiny bit "yes, sir" mimicking Gir. This made him chuckle at my antics then he walked off and went over to whatever the device was called

I watched the beam and Gir. The little robots eyes and other red parts went back to normal, making them blur again. He then dug into the top of his head and grabbed a little moose doll and started squeaking it

"Hee hee hee hee hee" Gir laughed as I just smiled and rolled my eyes at goof ball of a robot then looked back at the beam

Out of nowhere though when Gir kept squeezing his moose, it flew out of his hand and right on the other side of the beam

Love with an alien (Invader Zim ~Zim x reader~)   (On Hold For Now)Where stories live. Discover now