Birthday special

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Song: like we'll meet a starlight (?)

Zim was at my house, watching some shows since it was a Saturday. Dib, and Anthia came by to wish me a happy birthday when they heard it by accident from my brother. They were coming with me to my house to hangout the day my mom decided to up and tell everyone when my birthday was. I didn't like my birthday because it just caused bad memories or just something goes wrong whenever the day came around. I told my mom I'll just spend it with Zim and we could just have a family dinner later

"Zim does not like this part one bit" me and him were covering our faces. I was covering mine by burying it into his arm while Zim covers his face with a pillow

"Its pretty creepy isnt it?" He nodded agreeing with me. we decided to do a little slasher marathon since it was a new scary show on Netflip

"Kids, come downstairs, its time for dinner!"

"Ok mom!" Pausing the movie, I was about to exit my room when Zim grabbed my arm "huh? What is it Zim?"

"Zim has a surpise for (y/n) after dinner"

"I can't wait" I smiled, not knowing what Zims surprise was, but I knew I'd like it

We got downstairs and my mom and brother were already at the table about to eat when they saw us

"So, kids, what were you doing?"

"We were watching a new scary series on Netflip, its really creepy" I took a bite of my food

"Well make sure you don't watch something to scary ok?"

"Yes ma'am" I salute to my mom making all of us laugh at me being weird. I was acting more myself lately. I believe that has happened because I met Zim and he likes when I'm myself

"Good, (b/n), do you want to watch (his favorite show) after dinner?"

"Yes! I love that show!" My brother was hyper and excited about his show as always making me laugh at how silly he is

We were all making jokes and having fun with us all together and just being our weird selves, which I enjoyed a lot. I couldn't ask for anything else in the world

"I'm done! I'm going yo watch (his favorite show) now" he puts his plate in the sink rinsing it then left to the kitchen. Zim finished after

"Zi-I'm done, I'm going to head upstairs" he left the plate in the sink because of the water he didn't rinse it off. A few minutes later I was done as well

"Thanks for the meal mom, its was delicious" I put my plate away and rinse mine and Zims off. (b/n) was dancing to the theme song of the show, which just made me and my mom laugh at his actions (btw, my brother actually does that to so many shows its hilarious so i decided to add that in, because why not since your brothers a goof ball)

"No problem honey, and thanks for the compliment, enjoy watching some scary shows" she smiles at me while eating the rest of her food as I walk upstairs

When i get to my room, I see Zim on the bed with his feet hanging off the side, the show off, but now showing a video of a movie fireplace. My room light is dimmed a bit

"Zim what is this?"

"Z-zim wants it to be r-romantic for (y/n) on the day of (y/n)'s birth" he was blushing hard as I just smile at his gesture

Walking over I sit next to him and hug his arm "I love the gesture Zim. Its great"

Me and Zim were just leaning on my beds headboard just cuddling to the fake fireplace

Zim pulls my face, making me face him "Zi-" I was cut off by Zim kissing me. Melting into the kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying it. Sadly air was begging for attention, making us break apart

"D-did (y/n) l-like it?" I giggled at how nervous he was when he did that

"Yes, Zim, I liked it" now i was the one a blushing mess, this made Zim smile, still having the blush on his face

We kissed again, he trails his kisses down my neck. Just giving me gentle kissing on my neck, making me giggle a bit from how it tickled.

"O-okay Zim, quit it"

Thats when he realized what he did, making him stop immediately "Zim is very sorry" he held his claws on his face shamefully "Zim doesn't know what got over him"

"Zim, as long as it didnt go far I'm not mad" I hug him from behind to comfort him "maybe we can do that when we are older, but right now we are still young"

"(y/n) is right. Zim will wait till (y/n) is ready"

Smiling me and Zim just cuddled again, watching some funny shows now. Eventually we both fall asleep watching a random show or video, i couldn't remember, but i did remember that Zim sleeping over is very fun (picture at the top is the sleeping position you are in)

"Hon- oh, Heh, those two look so cute together, can't wait for them to get married and have grand kids" (m/n) took a picture of you two for memories for later on. (m/n) was glad that her daughter was happy and not by herself anymore

(oki guys I was going to do a little nsfw like i was asked but then remember, they are kids and I don't think i should do that right now, so later on if I make it so when they are older, or just do a one shot of them being older. So either one ill do a nsfw for when they are older and not kids. Anyways if you want guys I have nsfw ideas for 2 stories. Thats my 'Donnie's nerd' story and my Daryl story if you guys want me to do a nsfw for them. Btw in the picture above pretend in the story Zim has his gloves and boots on, but he doesnt have his wig on ( ⁼̴̀ ⁼̴́ ) so I think you get my jist there. Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter, Boi my kitties~)

(ps. New Donnie fanfic will be after I finish typing chapter 5 of tail's fanfic. Then youll get 4 chapter updates for the tails fanfic. Btw. Also plz read A/N if you didn't, anyways Boi my kitties~)

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