His feelings

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Song: Live forever

A few weeks went by. Zim would keep trying to take over the town, but at times it would seem like he hesitated when he did try. Like always Dib would stop him. Zim would always make sure that me and my family were at home when he tried just to make sure we weren't harmed, but he would never tell me why he did. I just could tell it was because he cared about us

It was a weekend so I decided to hang out at his house because my mom and brother went out to get groceries for the house and I didn't want to stay at home by myself and I didn't want to go to the store knowing how my mom is when she shops

Walking over I see Gir running around a tree, most likely because he bugged Zim a lot. Knocking on the door only to have Zim open it in his disguise but he immediately lit up in a smile when he saw it was me

"Hello, (y/n)"

"Hi, I was wondering if I could hang out here while my mom goes to the store, and I didn't want to stay by myself at home. Is that ok?"

"Zim is fine with that, come in" he opened the door for me, so I walk in him shutting the door now, taking his disguise off right after "would (y/n) want come with me and see what I'm working on?"

"I'd love too, Zim"

"Okay, follow me" Zim leads me to a toilet "step in"

"You sure its okay?" He nods, I then slowly step in grimacing because toilets arent exactly the cleanest places on earth. He pulls the rope after stepping next to me, making us go down showing its an elevator not just a normal toilet

We get down to his lab getting off the elevator platform to go further in. It was lit up and looked really cool, just like last time you came down here when Zim had the germ problem. I just didn't know how we got down there because we were in a rush

Zim showed this huge spider like ride, it was like Zims PAK except bigger and the legs actually stayed out instead of retracting whenever you want them to

"This is so awesome, Zim!" I look around his machine observing it, in great detail since I like his PAK legs to begin with when I first saw them, Zim smiled feeling proud of himself, seeing how fascinated I was at his work

"Zim had some ideas on how to improve my PAK. Do you have any ideas" he looked at me after hinting at his PAK he was experimenting on as a test object first, also making sure that it wouldn't end up hurting him, I'm guessing

"Is this for you as an upgrade?" I stand next to him genuinely curious

"Yes, Zim was wanting an upgrade on his PAK, and Zim wanted to see if you had any ideas, to help Zim blend in of course"

I thought for a second, then it hit me "I remembered that pretty much everyone in skool has a backpack, so maybe making your PAK look like it can open up like a backpack during skool hours. It would make other kids less suspicious if they are right now" I had pulled myself up onto his lab table that had nothing on it as he thought for a second. He didn't seem to care I was on his table so I guess he was ok with it

"(y/n) is a genius!" That made my face heat up at the compliment "thats a perfect way to update my PAK so the other human filth on this planet wont be suspicious of the mighty Zim" he smirked then turned around and hugged me showing how he felt since he wasnt good with words. He then went right to work

All I could do was smile at my adorable alien I called my boyfriend, I liked when he was concentrated. Better than him being angry and beating himself up for things like his plans being ruined. Dib and Zim have been fighting less, which was good as well

I decided to draw Zim but in a cool way, honestly though. I always thought of Zim as cool, he was perfect to me. Yes people may think dating an alien is weird and unheard of, but I didn't care

 Yes people may think dating an alien is weird and unheard of, but I didn't care

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(the drawing ^ art not mine, credit goes to owner)

Turning to look at Zim with a smile, I admired how focused he was. I put a song on (one at the top) and continued drawing smiling at myself

~Zims pov~

I heard some nice sound so I turn and see my love pig listening to this song and drawing me once again, I could never be mad at (y/n) even though she broke my focus, but she was really pretty and cute. My face heated up, making me shake my head trying to calm myself down

Standing up, I walked over to her, her not even noticing my presence, to focused on her drawing. Her drawings were always so amazing, even if they weren't about me. I then listened to the song she was listening to. It was how I felt about (y/n), I couldn't live without her. She makes me want to live forever, never wanting her to get hurt

Deciding to make my presence known to my love pig, I hug her around her waist, making her lose focus and turn towards me, her face heated up, showing that she was blushing towards my actions

"Z-Zim I thought you were working on your PAK upgrade" she wonders still looking at me with a blush

"Zim took a break because I wanted to hug my love pig" I buried my face in her shoulder, glad that this cute human was mine

I heard her giggle at my action and what I said "well Zims love pig is glad he took a break then" she put her pencil down and turned towards me hugging me back as the song ended. Both of us having a smile on our face

Love with an alien (Invader Zim ~Zim x reader~)   (On Hold For Now)Where stories live. Discover now