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Hey there everybody! You're probably annoyed af that I'm doing this instead of posting a new part, but whatever.

So, I got tagged by An_Introvert_Girl the other day, and I'm not really too sure how this works, but I'll give it a go. Feel free to skip of you'd like.

Favorite movie quote:"Inconceivable!""You keep using that word

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Favorite movie quote:
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
                     -The Princess Bride

Historical figure:
Stealing from the person who tagged me, and saying Hamilton after he cheated on Eliza.

A definite no. They're just awful tasting grapes. Who would want raisins when they could have grapes?

Hunger games:
I'm pretty athletic and have good survival skills, so I'd probably do all right. I'd have little to no chance on winning, though.

Weird Food:
Green beans and ketchup. Don't ask why, just roll with it.

If you can't tell from this book, Prinxiety all the way.

Cause they compliment each other so well! Roman can provide the comfort Virgil needs, and we see he knows how to help him in moments of extreme stress or anxiety. Virgil helps to reel Roman in, and keeps his head level while still not controlling him. Basically, they just work.

Tag 10:
I don't know that many people, but I'll give it a go.

Ratty Corduroy

That's only 8, but whatever.  These are all authors I enjoy reading,  so good job to you guys!
Anyway, I'm not really sure how to close this out other than saying a basic: thanks for reading and I'll post an actual part soon!

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