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"Hey Princey." I stepped into the room, holding his water out for him.

"Thanks." He took a sip, letting out a breath and regaining his excitement. "So, guess what?"

"You finally admit that the Disney direct-to-DVD sequels are awful?"

"I will admit no such thing! Just because everyone hates them, doesn't mean that they are the worst things to exist."

"Keep telling yourself that."

He let out a sigh. "Look, I finally finished my project." A gleam was present in his eye as he spoke.

"Can I see it?"

"In a second."

I gave him a look. "You're gonna make this the most extravagant thing ever, aren't you?"

"Maybe. Now here." He grabbed my arm, having me sit down on the edge of the bed. Heading over to the curtain, he cleared his throat before beginning to speak.

"Ladies, lords, non-binary royalty, prepare to be amazed by what is possibly the greatest creation of this century. Due to the talents of myself, I am now proud to present a masterpiece unlike any you have ever seen. Now, behold..." He grabbed the edge of the curtain, and a drum roll started playing out of nowhere. He pulled it back, allowing me to finally see what he had been working on. "famILY."

The wall was covered in a mural, painted by hand. It featured all of us together, standing right in front of the kitchen. Patton had his cat hood up in the painting, his arms wrapped around Logan's waist in a sideways hug. Logan was looking down at him, that half-smile he always gave etched in the paint.

To the right of Logan, there was me. My hands were in my pockets, but I had a smile on my face. My eyes were to the right of myself, where Roman was painted. He had an arm around my shoulder, the other on his hip as he smiled at me.

Finishing off the mural stood Remy, a coffee in one hand. Their glasses were on top of their head, and they were smirking at the four of us. I noticed a lot of details added, and figured I would have to examine it more closely later.

"Roman, this is... awesome." I stared in awe, eyes just starting to take in the whole picture together.

"Ah, it was nothing. I just wanted you to have a reminder that we're always here for you. Even if we might lose our cool now and then."

"Everyone? Or you?" I teased. A blush crossed his face, and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Er, let's not get into details."

I laughed, taking some steps closer to pull him into a hug. "Thanks, Princey."

"Of course, my chemically imbalanced romance."

After a few seconds, the hug broke, but neither of us took a step backward. I thought I saw his eyes flick down to my lips, but I refused to believe it. That would mean there was a chance he liked me.

"Hey, uh, I kinda wanted to ask you something," he said, the red deepening on his face.

"What is it?" I started fidgeting with my sleeve, as a million different possibilities raced through my mind.

"Do... you maybe wanna go out sometime? You don't have to, of course."

That caught me off guard. Of all the questions I thought he might've asked, that wasn't one of them. Regaining my composure, I gave a questioning look. "Are you asking me on a date, Romano?"

He groaned at the nickname before turning to me with a smirk. "That depends on your answer."

I could feel my face heating up, and was sure it could be seen through my foundation. This was real. Roman was asking me out.

Despite wanting to answer, to say yes, the words seemed caught in my throat. I could see his confidence dissipating as each second passed, insecurity starting to creep up in his eyes. So, I did the only thing I could think to do. Quickly leaning forward, I closed the gap between us and kissed him.

I could tell he was shocked, but he quickly melting into it. I only held it for about a second before pulling away, leaving a seemingly star bound Roman. After a few seconds, he spoke. "I can take that as yes, then?" I nodded, adding my hands into my pockets to distract myself from my face heating up.

"Well, I'm glad." He shifted his weight, going from side to side a few times before continuing. "Um, do you wanna maybe try for Thursday? I can set everything up."

"Yeah, sure."

"Great. I'll see you at 6? Unfortunately, I have a script to work on that I've been delaying so I could finish this-" he gestured to the mural- "So I won't be able to see you much until then, sadly."

"It's cool. Might make it all the better?" I said, trying to look on the positive side for once.

He smiled, taking a step toward the door. He turned, reaching for my hand. He gave it a small kiss, walking backwards out of the room. "Till we meet again, my emo nightmare."

The door shut, and a smile immediately overtook my face. I stood there a while, lost in thought. I only pulled myself out of it to look at the mural, sighing as I stared at us all preserved happily in time. 


Hey guys! Sorry this took a while to get out, but if you can't tell, we're approaching the end of the story. Which means, I've been putting extra attention and effort into these final chapters. Hope you guys understand, and I hope you guys like it.

See ya next time,


Forever LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora