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We had just finished Big Hero 6, and Patton jumped up to put another movie in. "Oh I know." he said, his back to me as he browsed the selection. "What about Cinderella?"

"Nah" I responded; leaning against the headboard. "Nothing with a prince in it."

He turned to me for a second, frowning, before pulling a DVD out and popping it in the player. He plopped back down on the bed, leaving me unsure as to what we were about to watch.

"You know, I can talk to Roman if you want." he said, keeping his attention to the screen.

"Please don't." I responded. I want him to apologize because he means it, not because you guilted him into it." He opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. "I know you won't actually guilt him, but that's the only way I'll be able to see it, okay? So just... let Princey do what he wants."

I heard the intro music to Hunchback of Notre Dame, as images of clouds came on screen, just before the cathedral itself came into view.

"Good choice." I said, hitting play on the remote.

Patton chuckled. "It wasn't that hard to pick."

~Time Skip~

It was early evening, and Patton had left a few hours ago after the Hunchback finished. I was sitting on my bed, trying not to think too much about Deceit's offer. I mean, it was clear at least one of them cared for me. It that really enough, though? Can you seriously be bought by one person showing they care? And I mean, you'd still have to put up with Roman, knowing deep down he hates you. Nice to know I have my own personal Deceit in my head.

I groaned, wishing I had just ignored the offer in the first place. Too late now. I'm well aware.

Well, what's the next step in figuring this out? Move onto the final person. Roman and Patton have been placed, so why not see where Logan stands? Does he want you here or not?

That scared me. Logan really could go either way, as he cares more about what I do for Thomas than me in general. Plus, with a side so devoted to not showing emotion, I was unlikely to get a flowery speech about where I belonged. As long as I was making Thomas anxious, Logan most likely wouldn't care which side I was on. But, there was always the chance he would. He'd probably justify it by calling it a "morale boost" or saying how "sudden change affects the heart." and whatnot. Either way, his answer would be purely based on facts. And I'm not sure I could take something so cut and dry. Nevertheless, I pushed myself up and dragged my feet to Logan's room. Because apparently I hate myself.

I knocked quietly, scared to bother or annoy him. I tried to picture what I would say when he opened the door.

Hey Logan, I've just got a question for you. Do you think I actually belong here? Or should I hightail it over to Deceit's side of the mind? Yeah, no. Guess I'll just improvise.

The handle turns, causing me to stand up instead of leaning on the door frame. Logan peeks out of the gap, just enough for him to be seen, but not enough for anyone to enter.

"Ah, hello Virgil." He says, adjusting his glasses. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh..." I gulped, already feeling my heart start to beat faster. I barely heard myself over the pounding in my ears. "I, uh, just needed to ask you something."

"Of course. What do you need to know?"

Come on, Virge. Fight or flight, right? Just ask it! "Um... can I borrow a book?" Guess we're going with flight. Coward.

Logan looked at me, a little confused. But, he answered anyway. "Sure. Which book are you interested in?"

Crap. Didn't think this far ahead? Nope. "Just uh... The Murder of Roger Ackroyd." I said, remembering it from the Q and A video.

"Ah, a fascinating read." he turns, leaving the door open for me to follow.

Logan's room was as plain as ever, so I just watched as he headed toward the bookshelf, stopping for a moment.

"B...C...Ch... Ah, here we are" he said, pulling a title from the shelf. "Agatha Christie."

"You alphabetize your bookshelf?" I asked; a little surprised for some reason.

"Well of course. It's satisfying when I find a book exactly where it should be, and it saves a lot of time." He held out the book, and I took it.

"Alright, well, thanks. I'll, uh, talk to you later I guess."

"Glad to be of assistance. Oh, and tell me what you think when you finish, okay? I'd love to hear another's perspective on the tale."

"Uh, sure thing." I said, stepping out and closing the door.

Whoo. I sighed, heading toward the common area, kicking myself for not asking. Not only that, I managed to get myself some homework. I couldn't even lie about reading it, it's his favorite book, he'd know instantly. Well, you deserve it for chickening out. Shut up, me.

It was already 9, but the calm night sky actually encouraged me to read. Who knows, if the book's boring enough, it might actually help to put me to sleep. Taking a seat, I flipped to the back of the book, hoping to get a page count. 312. That was more pages than I had probably read in all my life. Reading was never really my hobby. Still, I flipped to the front and started to read.

~Time skip~

I looked up, a little confused. A light blue hue was coming in from the window behind me, a shade I knew all too well. Sure enough, my phone showed the time to be 6am, securing the fact that I'd pulled an all-nighter. *And it was because I was reading. One of Logan's books, no less.* well, murder is a part of my mojo, so maybe it's not unreasonable.

I stood up from the couch, heading toward the kitchen. I skipped out on dinner last night, and Patton wouldn't be up for an hour. That put a smirk on my face. It's funny whenever I beat the "early bird" up.

I grabbed a banana off the counter, setting my course for my room. I'll let them think I wasn't up this early. Maybe come out about 8, that's when Logan and Roman normally get up. I shut my door behind me, ready to kill 2 hours of my day with Tumblr.

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