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I wasn't sure what time it was when my arms finally fell to my sides. As far as I could tell, they were no longer in my room. I took a deep breath, trying to give my lungs their first proper breath in a while. My head fell back, leaving it on the top of the bed with my neck at almost a 90 degree angle.

The ceiling was pop-corned, so I sat there for a minute, just examining the texture. Finally, I pushed myself up.

Oh right, I was supposed to create a vanity last night. Sighing, I focused on making one appear on the wall near the door. After maybe 10 seconds, I opened one eye to see if anything had happened. A black vanity sat on the wall, one of decent size. Whoo. Conjuring things always took a lot out of me. I walked over to my still-mainly-full backpack, taking the first couple things out and placing them messily in the vanity space. Wrinkles in clothes didn't bother me. When it came to my makeup, however, I did this carefully, making sure it was all in place. Then, I actually started getting ready.

Panic at the Disco once again playing, I took about 20 minutes before stopping it. Pocketing my phone, I exited my room to see what I could pull together for breakfast.

I went over to the "pantry" first, checking for muffins or something of the sort. The only thing I found that could work was a granola bar, so I took one. Unwrapping it, I plopped down on the couch, leaving the TV off so I could think clearly.

At some point Thomas is gonna summon me, whether it's related to my disappearance or not. Then, the others will probably start questioning me, and I'll have to deal with all of that. Not looking forward to it.

I thought back to what Remy had asked my yesterday. Why did I come over here? My brain filtered through a thousand things, but one stood out as the only real reason. Roman. Despite how much hate and spitefulness we showed towards each other, there was always this playful air around it. He not only helped me through an anxiety attack, but he's probably the only one who would have been able to. Why?

Because he's different than the others. I thought about that for a second. How it always made me chuckle to see him come up in that princely stance. How I actually enjoyed every nickname he shot my way. I thought about how horrible it felt to have him yelling at me. It wouldn't have hurt that much if it were Logan, probably not even Patton. Why?

Before I had time to consider this, I heard a door open. But, it wasn't Remy's or Deceit's. I sighed, knowing who I was about to deal with for the first time in forever.



Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short. I just had no time to write this week, but I still wanted to get this out. Hopefully, something longer will be here Tuesday. That's right, Tuesday. It'll be a day late, but this is a day early, so I hope that evens it out. 

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed! I'll see you at the next update. Peace out!

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