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I woke up the next morning, turning towards the clock. 8:15 is the time that glared at me. Great, so you've already slept your day away, nice going. I tried to ignore the thought as I pulled myself out of bed.

Picking up my phone, I started my Panic! playlist as I headed over to the vanity. My jacket sat on the chair, and I threw it on before turning to my makeup. The songs cycled through as I applied my foundation and eyeshadow, finishing just as "Roaring 20's" came to a close. I stopped the music before the next song could start, then made my way out of my room.

When I came to the end of the hallway, I surveyed the scene in front of me. Patton sat at the table, blueberry muffin in front of him. Logan was over on the couch, deep into a novel. Roman was digging in the fridge, trying to reach something in the back. None of them had noticed me yet, so I just walked to the kitchen to grab a muffin of my own.

I opened the lid to the pastries, a loud pop accompanying it as the seal broke. This caused Patton to jump a bit, and Roman to look away from the fridge. The dad trait turned to me, beaming.

"Hey Virgil, glad you're up!" He said cheerfully. Before I could mumble a "good morning" in response, the fridge door slammed shut, drawing my attention to a scowling Roman, yogurt in hand. He exited the kitchen; heading down the hallway, no doubt to his room. I sighed. Well, at least I won't have to worry about him missing me if I leave.

"What was up with Roman there?" Patton asked, head turned toward the hall.

"He and Virgil got in a fight yesterday" Logan said, speaking for the first time. "If I'm correct, he seems to still be mad at Anxiety because of this."

I slumped a bit, having not wanted Patton to know about the fight. He had enough on his plate without worrying about "his two sons" quarreling.

"Ah, Kiddo." He said, coming over to wrap me in a hug. I didn't hug back, but I relaxed in his arms a little letting him know I was okay with the contact.

"It's fine, Pat" I said as he broke away. "It's not like I don't have practice in him hating me." I meant it sort of jokingly, but it caused Patton to frown. "Really Patton, I'm good. At least this time I have you and Logan." I moved my head in Logan's direction, receiving a curt nod in response.

"You sure do, Virge." Patton said, turning for a second before handing me a muffin.

"Here." He said. "Why don't you take that back to your room? I'll be there in a minute so we can watch some Disney, huh?" Patton couldn't help but smile, knowing he had brightened my day as I failed to keep a smirk from arising on my own face.

Once back in my room, I sat the naked good on the side table so I could start setting up the movie. It was only then that I noticed the muffin was chocolate,  which Patton knew to be my favorite. I sighed with a small smile, then walked over to turn on the TV. Well, at least there's one reason to stay.

Hey guys! I'm sooooooooooo(how many O's do I need to add?) Sorry that I missed the update yesterday. I really didn't mean to, I just found writing hard this week. I seriously couldn't bring the pencil to the paper until like, 5am this morning.

I do write each chapter by hand, then go and type it, so that took me a while along with everything else I had to do today. So, that's part of why this is so late. But, to make up for it, I'll post again on Thursday before the normal Friday update. Hope you can forgive me!

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