Love Triangle

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"I love him." I moaned, taking another spoonful of ice cream.

"I love him." Michie responded, putting a spoon in my ice cream carton before taking it out and placing it in her mouth.

"I hate this." Eric commented as he got up from the couch and went over to the kitchen.

"Eric you're not giving the movie a chance! This is a classic in everyone's eyes!" Michie yelled, rolling her eyes towards me.

"I'm sorry, since when has Monster-In-Law been a classic?"

"Since both Mich and I agreed that it was." I pointed out and shrugged my shoulders. Duh.

He groaned and came back to the living room with a water bottle, placing an arm over Michie.

I was sitting in a blanket pool on the ground, barely feeling the carpet below me. I was leaning against the light brown, soft fuzz couch and Mich and E were sitting on it, a blanket draped across their laps.

"It's just so good. I'm glad your mom likes me though, E." Mich comments and takes another spoon of my ice cream.

He raises an eyebrow at her and plants a smirk across his lips. "Oh yeah? We're getting married now?"

She sat up and turned towards his leaning back body. "Uhm yeah, yeah we are. As soon as we finish college, correct?"

He laughed and grabbed her hand, pulling her in. "Yes Michele."

I smiled and turned back towards the television. It was moments like those where my mind would wander over to Jason. If he were here would we be acting that way? Why hadn't I texted or called him? How had he been doing? Was he even still alive?

Why couldn't life be like a movie where we all lived happily ever after before we turned 30? Or where the boy saved the day and won the girl?

I would really appreciate jumping into a Jennifer Lopez movie right about now.

"But seriously, why doesn't he just tell his mom that he fucking loves JLo and to back off a little?" Eric questioned. Both Mich and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Cause then the movie would be over in thirty minutes Eric." Mich reasoned, smacking him with a pillow.

"Damn, I wish it was. Then we could finally watch my pick, 'I, Robot'."

I groaned and slammed my head back on the front of the sofa. "God E, how many times have you seen that movie?"

"About has many times as you've seen this one."

Michie 'awe'd and we both looked at her as though she'd grown a second head. I was completely confused as to what she thought the movie was about. It wasn't a romantic comedy by any means.

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