Family and Siblings

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You are true family if you can tell who is coming up by stairs after listening to the sound they make, the weight and speed. If you aren't able to, are you even family??

Whoever decided having bathroom switches outside bathroom is a good idea probably didn't have siblings.

Question: Can you hate and love someone at the same time?
My answer: Have you had siblings?

My brother and I share a very special relationship. We are partners in crime if both of us are at loss or are bound to get scolded by parents. Then we take each other's side. But in case either of us find the other in a disadvantage, and the other, instead if apologizing or solving the issue shouts, then all your secrets are about to be revealed. You should probably pack up because you're gonna get thrown out of the house.

Sometimes it's like I'm ready to give you my heart and soul and kidney. Otherwise it's like don't even breathe in my direction. There's no in between.

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