Chapter Two

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((Murderer P.O.V))
He'd been sitting there.. Waiting for the time and when it came he could feel a rush of pure joy.

Right there on TV was Special Agent Novak in a perfect black suit with a blue tie. His hair was a fluffy mess and he thought of all the things he could do to the man on television. He was goodlooking after all. Behind him were two women, redhead and brunette.
Oh the brunette seemed like his type. The type he'd have tied and he'd enjoy playing with her definitely.

But oh, the agent is what he wanted, but he wouldn't want to hurt him, oh no. He'd want much, much more. He'd want him tied to his bed. He wanted to feel what was under that suit, break him, know his deepest darkest secrets.. And he'd get them. Oh he will.

"Have you found Lisa Braeden yet, Agent?" A woman shouted from the crowd of cameras and those nosey people.

Novak hesitated, "No, but we have belief she is no longer alive."

Belief?? What?? Did this Agent himself not see the package??! The video?? It almost made him angry, watching these 'important people' lying to the Innocent!

"Is she connected to the Cain Killer??" Another person shouted.

"We are not sure of that yet."

Oh this was an outrage. Who did this man think he was?? A liar is what he was.

"Have you gotten any information on him yet?"

"Not exactly."

What are these vauge answers?

It clicked.

This agent knew what he was doing. Oh, oh. He was a smart one wasn't he?? Thinking he could get the killer to spiral in a rage of anger?

Oh. But this Agent knew nothing about him. Oh for sure. This was going to be the most fun he's had in centuries.

((Agent P.O.V))

"That's all the time we have today, thank you everyone." Castiel offered a small smile and walked off stage.

"What the hell was that show about, Novak." Bobby literally came out of nowhere and Castiel almost shat himself.

"Bobby, I know what I'm doing." Castiel walked out towards the parking lot, smiling at some cameras. Charlie and Hannah must of stayed behind he assumed. No, you don't. Not when you're lying to the press. You know they always find out."
Bobby was scolding and Castiel was too tired to be hearing this at two in the afternoon.

"We need time, Bobby. They'd be on our asses if I gave them the truth. It could get our guy back into hiding. I want him out in the open."

"What are you on about??"

Castiel stopped and turned to Bobby, holding back all the boiling annoyance in his throat.
"At least you have to realize that he's smart. Bobby this isn't just some insane person. He doesn't stand out. He could be your neighbor, that's our type of guy. We found Lisa, in at least a hundred little pieces stuffed in bags, we can't put her together, do you understand that?? This is my case. Let me handle it."

Castiel was probably frowning, but jeez was this guy really pushing him.

"You better be right, Novak."

Castiel smiled,"Always."

Bobby nodded, a bit of concern in his eyes, but he went his way, that is until he walked right back to Castiel.

"Wait. Ellen asked me to invite you to a family dinner this Saturday."

This surprised Castiel in more ways than one.

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